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In-Flight Emergencies…When Seconds Count!

Posted by Randy Rowles

A couple weeks ago, I was conducting a Private Pilot examination in Texas. As we were approaching the airport returning from the cross-country phase of flight, we found ourselves in an area of light drizzle and rain. As the applicant entered the downwind leg, he began to reduce power. Almost immediately, the engine began to run rough and only got worse as the applicant reduced more power. I immediately engaged carburetor heat…problem solved! [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride



Posted by Randy Mains

I received the following email from a HEMS pilot who responded to my article entitled “Just Say NO” that appeared in the March/April 2019 edition of Rotorcraft Pro. His observation is worth noting. Here is what he wrote: [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, Info… and a Laugh - August 2019

Posted by Scott Skola

Sometimes the simplest of tasks cause the greatest of errors. And unfortunately are usually the easiest to prevent. Read the reports below and make some mental notes so you won’t be caught in the same predicament. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


Autorotation Fly-Through | A Potentially Dangerous Compromise

Posted by Randy Rowles

An increasing number of helicopter flight schools have reduced emphasis on the flare portion of the autorotation due to over-speeding. I’m told the risks of an over-speed outweigh the benefit the student experiences by conducting a positive flare in the early stages of autorotation training. It seems consensus among helicopter flight school leadership is that a gentle reduction in forward velocity to an approximate 30-knot ground speed is enough, and a go-around from this point in the maneuver is the safest solution. To be very clear, this is a dangerous compromise! [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Velvet Elvis

Posted by Randy Mains

“Don’t make yourself famous,” is advice a pilot at Abu Dhabi Aviation gave me on one of my first flights with the company. His meaning: Do not do something stupid to put yourself in the spotlight of management or the other pilots. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Proof, CRM does work to prevent an accident!

Posted by Randy Mains

On January 29th of this year, (2019) a Survival Flight Inc. helicopter was on a flight to pick up a patient from a hospital in Pomeroy, Ohio, when it crashed in snowy conditions killing all three occupants. The crew members were pilot Jennifer Topper, 34; nurse Bradley Haynes, 48; and nurse Rachel Cunningham, 33, according to the Ohio State Highway Patrol. “Any loss of life is tragic, and this is heartbreaking,” Ohio State Highway Patrol Lt. Robert Sellers said. This was “first responders flying in adverse conditions to help somebody else.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, Info… and a Laugh - July 2019

Posted by Scott Skola

For all you drone enthusiasts out there, there have been a few changes to the recreational side rules. While personally I haven’t been bitten by that bug yet, it will be interesting whether there will be a FAA regimented maintenance side to the equation as these drones grow in size. Time will tell. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


The Accident That Didn’t Happen…An Alternative Reality!

Posted by Randy Rowles

One year ago, a series of events led to the creation of helicopter accident data points. If the accidents didn’t happen, what would an alternative reality look like? [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, Info… and a Laugh - June 2019

Posted by Scott Skola

Looks like a new helicopter manufacturer is coming to town. There had been talk of a company taking over the old/new Bell building located at the Lafayette, LA airport. For those who remember, Bell was slated to build the 505 at this location, but back out for various reasons. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


Know Your Aircraft

Posted by Randy Mains

I gave a CRM class at a helicopter air medical flight program recently and something occurred that reminded me why it’s imperative that pilots know their aircraft. The incident happened when I was given a tour of the hospital’s aircraft by the program director and one of the pilots on duty who was a former Black Hawk pilot in the Army. The aircraft looked brand new and I could see it had everything a pilot could ask for to help them while flying in VMC or IMC conditions. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth

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