Articles for tag Rotorcraft Checkride
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Any regulatory change takes time, and this certainly applies to the Federal Aviation Regulations we live by. While frustration looms as the regulatory change process unfolds because of the time it takes, we must remember that it is an unfolding process and at least be thankful that the process allows and considers input. It’s also worth remembering that at the end of the day, everyone isn’t going to be made happy with the changes. Such is life!
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
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It's not exactly the ideal order, and it may sound a bit comical, considering we know the correct order if we want any level of success in hitting our "target." But sadly, all of us have fallen prey to getting ahead of ourselves, leaving out essential details and failing to "aim" on the critical information when we need it to count the most, like taking aim and accomplishing something crucial like successfully passing a practical exam.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
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Yes, I’m dropping a little French on you. For the first time since I took over this column nearly two years ago, I am writing a “Part Two” to follow up on my last issue’s column. I feel this topic is that important.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
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If you are a CFI or practical flight test applicant, those three words will become synonymous with you regarding how designated pilot examiners conduct practical exams. That is because it is finally here: the long-awaited Airman Certification Standards (ACS) go into effect on 31 May 2024. By the time you read this, I will have administered several practical tests under the new system, and most of the former Practical Test Standards (PTS) will be a thing of the past. While it will take some focused review by CFIs and updating of plans of action by DPEs, don't you fret! The ACS doesn't lengthen the practical test. Subjectively speaking, the ACS provides a much cleaner and clearer "flight plan," on the material the FAA expects you to know and for the skills you must demonstrate. In this latest release, the Helicopter ACS for Private, Instrument, Commercial, and CFI were published. For now, the Helicopter ATP will remain under the Practical Test Standards as well as the CFI-I.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
With that catchy title, I'll bet you thought this article would be about something like navigation.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
In case you have forgotten or haven't been bored enough to attend your local City Council meeting lately, "All in favor" is an idiom generally used to prompt the act of voting and typically exercised by either a voice response or a show of hands. And while it is just me writing this article, I will go out on a limb here and say "aye" for all three of us. That's how many (excluding friends and family) that want you to pass your Checkride! Obviously, you want to achieve that milestone, your CFI certainly has skin in the game, and designated pilot examiners want you to pass. Yes, you read that correctly! I, for one, and many of my other DPE colleagues I frequently network with, will agree that issuing a Notice of Disapproval is disappointing on our end as well. Remember, we are pilots too! We want to see you succeed! But first, a successful practical test stand upon three valid legs.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
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It should come as no surprise that unintended entry into Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) has plagued our industry sector for decades. Thankfully, wonderful organizations like the USHST, HAI, and others have relentlessly tried to curb the problem. However, at least weekly, I read a news blurb about another helicopter that crashed after the pilot “encountered diminishing weather conditions.” The certificate level and experience level of those involved in these accidents vary. Each of these tragedies begs questions: How did they get into that situation? Given the situation, were they prepared for it once they found themselves there? Obviously, these are rhetorical questions, given the outcome of the numerous news stories. Many factors can be deduced to explain this situation. Still, I think most would agree that properly learning the warning signs of potential IMC scenarios and how to adequately control the helicopter by reference to instruments is lacking.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
What we often think will be "easy" quite often turns complicated. This seems to hold true for those seeking an "add-on" rating, such as the pilot with an airplane private pilot certificate who desires to add a rotorcraft-helicopter rating to their pilot certificate. These pilots may have started their primary training in a basic fixed-wing trainer, earned their certificate, and decided to move on to helicopters for pleasure or career aspirations.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
Undoubtedly, the "checkride" can be stressful for anyone, be it the private pilot or ATP applicant; everyone suffers from the notorious "checkride-itis." I get it! I'm evaluated multiple times per year and have been for years. While, admittedly, I have come to somewhat "embrace" it, I don't think anyone truly becomes fully inoculated to the checkride and all of the emotions that go with it.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
When Lyn Burks approached me with the opportunity to develop a column in Rotorcraft Pro magazine titled Rotorcraft Checkride, I really wasn’t sure if I was the right person for the job. My initial thought was to pass on the opportunity and allow a much better writer to handle the task. Lyn assured me that he had confidence in my ability to engage their readership in a meaningful manner and so I accepted his offer. Here we are 8 years later and I’m sad to say it’s time to pass the torch.
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Randy Mains
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride