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To Become A Writer

Posted by Randy Mains

Are you interested in becoming a writer? A young helicopter pilot by the name of Taylor heard me speak at Helisuccess in Las Vegas and sent me an email saying he, too, had an interest in writing and wanted to know what the writing process was like for me, what was the tipping point where I decided to write and WHY. Here is my answer to him. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - November 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

Being a history buff, I run across some unique stuff. Like this one: This past October, 62 years ago, the first Bell Huey flew as the XH-40. While the Sikorsky R-4 and the Bell 47 gave the world a viable helicopter, it was the Huey and its performance in Vietnam that gave us the industry we call home. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - October 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

To all those flying and wrenching in the Carolinas and beyond, I wish you good luck and support. I think everyone has an FAA story. For most of us, we usually remember only the bad ones. You know: “Hi, I’m with the FAA and I’m here to help you.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


U.S. Flight Training Offers Opportunities For The World

Posted by Randy Rowles

I’ve been privileged to fly in different countries around the world. You gain a perspective on the good, bad, and ugly of our aviation system here in the United States. With that said, I haven’t been anywhere outside of the U.S. where opportunity for all citizens to experience aviation is more available than here in the States. You are not excluded from aviation, because of your gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or any other differentiating factor. Additionally, many physically challenged persons find themselves successful in aviation as well. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Crock in Our Boat

Posted by Randy Mains

Crew Resource Management (CRM) gives us the tools to make safe, prudent decisions; it’s something I wish I’d had while flying a JetRanger on a seismic survey contract in Papua New Guinea. Knowing what could hurt me would have prevented my nearly being eaten by a huge crocodile. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - September 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

The world’s last flying Bristol 171 Sycamore helicopter will return home to Weston-super-Mare this month when it flies to the Helicopter Museum; 60 years after it was built. The historic aircraft land at the museum on Monday 11 June and be based in its Duke of Edinburgh Hangar until Sunday 24 June. It will be the UK’s first Sycamore flight in 46 years. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


Southern Airways of Texas, Inc…Where It All Began!

Posted by Randy Rowles

In early September 2018, I attended the Southern Airways of Texas, Inc. Annual Reunion in Mineral Wells, Texas. Southern Airways of Texas, Inc. held the government contract to train the helicopter pilots who would fly and fight in the Vietnam War. More affectionately known as Southern Airways, they conducted pilot training at the U.S. Army Primary Helicopter School located at Fort Wolters, Texas from 1956 to 1973. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Email from a reader regarding commercial pressure

Posted by Randy Mains

Hello Sir, we met a few years ago in Las Vegas when you spoke at Helisuccess and I have been a follower of your teachings ever since. One aspect of your most recent post regarding scud running with the R-44 video raised a nagging question for me. As a very conservative pilot, who has spent most of my time in the wire environment, I have discovered that the error chain starts way before the pilot enters the cockpit. It appears that many chief pilots or managers publicly preach safety, but when it comes down to the brass tacks, they often chastise their pilots who have the maturity to just say "No" often bending or do not follow their own Safety Management System, SMS and Standard SOP manuals and instead tell their pilots – “You should have at least given it a try.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - August 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

Last year for my August blog topic I discussed tool FOD. And the same for this August. However, this time I found some examples that drive the point home. Of all the things we can do as mechanics, when working on aircraft, is to ensure we, as a group, return all our tools back to their respective toolboxes. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


The Perfect Pilot Job Candidate?

Posted by Randy Rowles

A few months ago, a company advertised for a wildlife helicopter pilot to fly in support of wildlife research operations. In addition to having extensive helicopter pilot experience within the utility segment, they were equally searching for an applicant with a love for the outdoors including fishing, hunting, etc. For the right applicant, this would be a fantastic opportunity. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride

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