2024 Pilot Salary Survey Report
General Surveys & Polls
- Pilot Demographic Survey - Age, where trained, experience level, sector working.
- Mechanic Demographic Survey - Age, where trained, experience level, sector working.
- Job Satisfaction Survey - Do you like your job?
- Visitor Demographic Survey - What do you do in the helicopter industry?
- Unions in the Helicopter Industry Survey - Your opinion of Unions in the helicopter industry?
- Helicopter Model Survey - What helicopter models flown and your favorite?
- Media Preference Survey - How do you stay connected to the helicopter industry?
- Safety Culture Survey - Which best describes how your organization embraces safety culture?
- Social Media Survey - Which form of social media do you use most to connect with industry?
- Risk Assessment Survey - What type of risk assessment do you typically perform before flight?
- Tablets in the Workplace Survey - As a pilot or mechanic, do you regularly use a tablet (iPad or Android Mobile device) as part of your daily work routine?
- Skids or Wheels? - As a helicopter pilot, if you had a choice, which would you prefer?
- Helicopter Relocation Technique Survey - What method do you most commonly use to reposition your helicopter with skids?
- Jobs Held Survey - As a working pilot or mechanic with 5 or more years in the field, how many jobs have you held in your career?
- Mechanics Tools Survey - As a working helicopter mechanic, who provides your work tools?
- Flight Training Funding Survey - How did you pay for helicopter pilot training?
- Helicopter Pilot Shortage Survey - When, if ever, will a pilot shortage occur?
- Social Media and Risk Taking Survey - Does social media encourage more risk taking?
- Aviation Apps Used Survey - The aviation app I use most when flying helicopters is . . .
- Helicopter Industry Magazine Preference - Which two helicopter mags do you enjoy most?
- Helicopter Mechanic Training - Military or Civilian?
- Cockpit Technology Safety Survey - Is tech in the cockpit making us safer?
- Helicopter Pilot Fatigue Survey - Do you experienced fatigue on duty?
- Helicopter Pilot Fatigue CAUSE Opinion Survey - In your opinion what is the CAUSE of pilot fatigue?
- Retirement Age Opinion Survey - When do you think helicopter pilots should retire?
- UAS Safety Survey - Are the current FAA regs regarding UAS doing enough to keep us safe?
- Post Accident Training Survey - Are you provided post accident survival training by employer?
- Simulators for Job Training Survey - What percentage of job training should be done in a helicopter simulator?
- ATC Privatization Bill - Will ATC privatization bill be detrimental or beneficial to General Aviation?
- Flying Backup Aircraft Survey - What's the longest period you have gone without flying the backup model?
- Workover Compensation Satisfaction - Are you compensated fairly for working extra shifts?
- Helicopter Pilot Retention Survey - How does industry keep pilots from leaving for airlines?
- Accident Etiquette - Should industry discuss an accident after occurrence?
- Job Training Adequacy - How do you feel about the adequacy of your job related training?
- Union Benefit Survey - In your opinion, how beneficial have unions been to labor in the helo industry?
- Altitudes Flown Survey - What cruise altitude do you most commonly use?
- In-cockpit Camera Survey - How do you feel about cameras in the helicopter cockpit?
- Rotorcraft Pro Engagement Survey - How do you most commonly engage with Rotorcraft Pro?
- Flight Risk Assessment Tool Survey - Does using a FRAT make your ops safer?
- Headset Brand Survey - Which brand headset do you currently use as a helicopter pilot?
- Unmanned Job Threat - Are unmanned systems a threat to pilot job security?
- Preflight Platforms Survey - How do you most commonly access upper areas of your helicopter during preflight?
- Airline Hiring Impacts - How have the airlines hiring helicopter pilots impacted the helicopter industry?
- COVID-19 Impacts - Has the COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on your helicopter operations?
- Pilot Pay Satisfaction - As a working helicopter pilot, I believe that I am . . . (choose best option)
- Desired Retirement Age - As a working helicopter pilot, I see myself retiring when I am . . . (choose best option)
- Flight Simulation Usage - How is flight simulation used in your initial or recurrent training?
- Hearing Loss Survey - Have you attributed hearing loss to working in and around helicopters?
- Mechanic Pay Satisfaction - Do you believe you are paid fairly as a helicopter mechanic?
- Mandatory Covid Vaccinations - Do you believe employers in the helicopter industry should mandate Covid vaccinations?
- Unfilled Pilot Positions - Are there unfilled helicopter pilot positions at your base of operations?
- Use of Sun Shades in Helicopter - Do you use sun shades to cool or protect the helicopter interior in you operations?
- Personnel Shortage Impacts - How are personnel shortages impacting you personally?
- Rotorcraft Pro Engagement Survey - Most common way to engage with Rotorcraft Pro?
- Unmanned PAX Carrying Timeframe - When do you think commercial unmanned aircraft will carry passengers?
- HUMS Usage Survey - Does your helicopter incorporate a Health & Usage Monitoring System?
- Remote Pilot Certificate - Do you hold an FAA remote pilot certificate?
- Employer Pilot Cert Requirements - As a working helicopter pilot, what certification does your employer require?
- Helicopter Association International Membership - Are you a member of HAI?
- Rotor Pro Digital Readership Survey - How do you read the digital issue of Rotor Pro Magazine?
- Helicopter Mechanic Shortage Survey - Based on your experience, is the helicopter industry short mechanics?
- Mechanic Training Survey - As a helicopter mechanic, where did you get your primary training, civil or military?
- Altitudes Flown Survey - As a career helicopter pilot, what altitude do you fly most often when VFR?
- Helmet Brand Survey - What brand of flight helmet do you wear?
- Safety Influencers Survey - What factor has most influenced safety in the vertical lift industry?
- HAI Rebrand Survey - What do you think about HAI's rebranding to VAI?
- VR Simulation Survey - Will mixed / VR simulation make pilots safer?
- Flight Simulation for Certs Survey - Should governing agencies allow more sim time towards ratings?
- eVTOL Passenger Flight Survey - When will eVTOL aircraft begin producing pax revenue flights?
- Engine Failure Survey - Have you ever had a full or partial engine failure in a helicopter?