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Archive: October 2022


Maintenance Minute - October 2022

Posted by Admin

Have you ever heard your mother or grandmother quote John Wesley saying, “cleanliness is next to godliness”? Turns out that quote is effective in aircraft maintenance as well. I like to think that cleanliness is the twin brother to order, and all aircraft maintenance requires cleanliness and order to attain the highest level of professionalism.  [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Flight of the Phoenix Down Under

Posted by Admin

I am in awe of aviation mechanics. I have always admired their ability to fix complex and even not-so-complex machines by wading through, what are to me, confusing-to-understand thick, cumbersome maintenance manuals.   [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


This Could Be Your Path Back to Pilothood

Posted by Admin

As the pilot shortage becomes more of an issue within all segments of aviation, an increasing number of pilots that have not flown in several years are returning to the flight deck. One such group that is reentering the pilot fold are former military aviators. In some cases, these pilots left the military and did not obtain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot certificates prior to discharging from their military service.    [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride