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Archive: January 2021


Confined Area Operations…A Well-Trained Instructor is Key to Safety!

Posted by Admin

One maneuver that offers many variations in the methods by which flight instructors teach is Confined Area Operations. Over the years, helicopter pilot applicants have approached this topic with a wide variety of acronyms and procedures. Passed down from instructor to instructor, this is often more tribal knowledge than fact. [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Servant Leadership

Posted by Admin

It was April 1990 and my day one as a new helicopter mechanic for Carraway Methodist Medical Center. I was not quite thirty years old and had previously served in the US Air Force and for the helicopter maintenance contractor at Fort Rucker. My prior duty and experience were to support and defend and train but at Carraway it was helicopter emergency medical service. With no idea what was about to happen or how it would impact my life and work and even my view of life, the squelch of the radio broke the silence with” Scramble Lifesaver, Scramble Lifesaver - self-inflicted gunshot - Scramble Lifesaver.”. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


A Unique Vision-Limiting Device

Posted by Admin

Erik Sabiston, founder of ICARUS Devices reached out to me on Linkedin to let me know of a product he’s promoting, a vision-limiting device for IMC training which seems to me to be very unique.  I am a flight simulator instructor and examiner and know the value of a flight simulator to access a pilot’s reaction to IMC events.  Erik’s product seems to be very useful in the actual aircraft that can be used on a student with a safety pilot of course.  The clear plastic mounted on either a baseball cap or a helmet flips down over the face of the pilot flying.  Then, controlled by an app by the instructor, they can reduce the visibility slowly to simulate going into an IIMC event slowly or suddenly. [Read More...]

Tags: M2C My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth