Helicopter Flight Training Resource Center

So you want to become a Professional Helicopter Pilot do you? As you will soon find out, it is very difficult to find non biased information on the internet to help you learn as much as you can about the helicopter industry and make an educated decision.
Whether you are currently a working helicopter pilot looking for a helicopter flight school OR you are new to helicopters and are looking for a career as a Professional Helicopter Pilot, we hope to point you in the right direction.
On this page you will find virtually every resource you will need to help make an informed decision. You will find helicopter flight school and helicopter flight training directories, helicopter flight training related message boards and forums, helicopter pilot career EBooks, helicopter training related articles, and helicopter flight training related links.
Find A School!
Helicopter Flight School Directories: Helicopter Flight Schools are listed by geographic location in our main directory. Unlike airplane flight schools there is not a helicopter flight school located at nearly every airport across the nation. Helicopter schools are much more spread out and you may need to travel to visit the nearest school. Use links below to enter the directories and browse for schools that might interest you.
Helicopter Flight School Reviews Forum: There is a discussion forum where people go to specifically exchange information and experiences regarding helicopter flight schools. It is located on Verticalreference.com. It might be worthwhile to do a little research in the Helicopter Flight Training - Schools Review Forum.
Helicopter Career EBooks and Seminars
Career Seminar - Each year, there is an outstanding 2 day career development seminar designed to bring new and transitioning career pilots together with industry experts with emphasis placed on career planning and professionalism. More on Helicopter Career Development Seminar.
Ebook: Everything you ever wanted to know about becoming a Helicopter Pilot! - If you know nothing about the helicopter industry and are considering a career as a helicopter pilot, the absolute best, unbiased resource available on the web is a FREE downloadable EBook titled - "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Becoming a Helicopter Pilot".
FREE HELICOPTER INDUSTRY MAGAZINE and E-Newsletter Subscription! Still can't get enough information on the helicopter industry? Get connected and subscribe to Rotor Pro Magazine and its helicopter industry ENewsletter called "Week in Review" delivered to your inbox or mobile device each week. [LEARN MORE]