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Archive: January 2025


Drone Certification to Usher in New Era of Commercial, Advanced Aviation

Posted by Admin

Professional industry certifications play an important role in ensuring safe and efficient operations of complex systems and technologies. The world’s largest association representing the drone and uncrewed systems industries, AUVSI, has worked with experts to create a Trusted Operator™ certification to ensure that drone pilot training conforms to industry standards and supports trust and acceptance of the use of uncrewed aircraft systems (UAS) around the world. [Read More...]

Tags: Uncrewed


Mil2Civ | DeMilitarize Your Resume

Posted by Admin

You’re getting out of the military and you’ve put the finishing touches on your resume that highlights all of your experience and accomplishments, but is it really ready for civil operators? One of the major hurdles for the military-to-civilian transitioners is to write a resume in the language of civil employers. Here are a few tips for preparing your resume for use in the civilian world. [Read More...]

Tags: Mil2Civ



Posted by Admin

In November, Amsterdam buzzed with excitement as EUROPEAN ROTORS 2024 brought together the brightest minds and top innovators in the vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) industry. Co-owned by EASA and the European Helicopter Association (EHA) and powered by Vertical Aviation International (VAI), this premier European VTOL Show and Safety Conference was a thrilling event for rotorcraft professionals, enthusiasts, and industry pioneers alike. [Read More...]

Tags: Safety First Safety SITREP VAST
Categories: categorySafety First


Maintenance Minute - January 2025

Posted by Admin

If we’ve ever met in person my accent will probably make it evident that I grew up in the deep south. Most families in my hometown worked either in the cotton mill, paper mill or the marble quarry. My family was cotton mill people, so I became a cotton mill person at the age of sixteen. Looking back on it, I am incredibly grateful for that experience. People that worked in the cotton mill and, I’m sure, the other industries, developed a strong work ethic and a deep respect for one another. One of things I noticed as a young man working in the mill was that when someone retired after forty or fifty years of working, they received a special gift to commemorate the day. For the men that retired that gift was almost always a fishing rod and reel. After witnessing this many times, I though…is this what I have to look forward to, working fifty years and getting a Zebco? I have come to realize that a rod and reel would be the perfect gift and hopefully one day I will get mine. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute