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Archive: August 2024


Rotorcraft Checkride | ACS….Part Deux

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Yes, I’m dropping a little French on you. For the first time since I took over this column nearly two years ago, I am writing a “Part Two” to follow up on my last issue’s column. I feel this topic is that important. [Read More...]

Tags: Matt Johnson Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Power-On Autorotative Descent Training…Limiting One Risk by Increasing Another

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About a year ago, I was conducting pilot training for a Part 135 company, which was a relatively new customer. Prior to FAA approval to conduct this training, I conducted a review of their Part 135 training program to determine their differences from our training. Most often, a VFR Part 135 helicopter operators training program is going to be quite like another. Of course, some differences will always exist. The question is whether those differences require additional training and checking. [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Rowles
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Maintenance Minute - August 2024 | Expectations

Posted by Admin

When I was growing up it was common for people to work for the same company for an entire career. Today people seem to come and go from jobs as fast as a spinning tail rotor. The decision to invest in young inexperienced mechanics is sometimes met with opposition when history shows they will not hesitate to move on to the next shiny thing. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Mil2Civ | Don’t be Lucky - Be Intentional

Posted by Admin

When I was commissioned as an officer in the Marines, I had no intention of staying in beyond the required time commitment that I had to fulfill, but life as a Cobra helicopter pilot grew on me. Supporting our Marines on the ground was an awesome responsibility and one that we all took quite seriously. The military provides great training, support and mission focus – an entire system that we take for granted at times. I had no plans to continue flying post-service, but time and space aligned. I was not only able to stay in the cockpit, but to do so in another model of Cobra that was retrofitted for firefighting operations. I got to do nearly the same job without being shot at! Was I fully prepared to make the transition? In my mind, I was more than ready to leave “Big Green” behind and take on this challenging new mission, but there was a lot more luck than planning. What I would like to offer are just a couple points that may require less luck and for you as you make your transition in a  more thoughtful and intentional way. [Read More...]

Tags: Mil2Civ


AUVSI Testifies on Capitol Hill About Recruiting, Retaining, and Engaging the Aviation Workforce of the Future

Posted by Admin

In July, AUVSI President and CEO Michael Robbins was invited as an expert witness to testify before the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee's Aviation Subcommittee at a hearing focused on the aviation workforce. At the hearing, Robbins highlighted to key members of Congress some of the workforce opportunities and challenges ahead for the drone and advanced air mobility (AAM) industries. [Read More...]

Tags: AUVSI Uncrewed Unmanned
Categories: categorySafety First