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Articles for category Maintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - September 2024 | Safety

Posted by Admin

The responsibility for staying safe in the workplace rests with each individual…especially those who work in a dangerous environment. Yes, the company has rules and regulations, policies and procedures but if we don’t adhere to them what good are they? If we choose not to wear hearing protection, should we complain when our hearing suffers? Should someone be required to tell us to wear PPE when it’s provided, and the expectation is for us to wear it? Why do we put off required safety training until the last minute? Why is safety training treated like just something we must comply with year after year?  [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - August 2024 | Expectations

Posted by Admin

When I was growing up it was common for people to work for the same company for an entire career. Today people seem to come and go from jobs as fast as a spinning tail rotor. The decision to invest in young inexperienced mechanics is sometimes met with opposition when history shows they will not hesitate to move on to the next shiny thing. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - July 2024 | Formula for Success

Posted by Admin

In this crazy world many people believe that it is acceptaåble to have low expectations and operate with low standards. I’m not one of those people. Helicopter mechanics must choose to step up to a higher level of service. Ziz Zigler said “ability is important in our quest for success, but dependability was critical.” I maintain that ability and skill and knowledge are imperative but what good are those if one is not dependable? How effective is an EMS helicopter mechanic who chooses to ignore the phone when a pilot calls; leaving the crew and aircraft stranded in a field or on a highway? Who does it serve if we don’t require our mechanics to be a cut above? Does it really matter if we have mechanics that will install bolts but only start the nuts without any torque or cotter pins?  [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - June 2024 | Skinning Grizz

Posted by Admin

The year was 1972. At 12 years old, I spent most of my time playing baseball, fishing, and riding my dirt bike. I was living the dream, and I didn’t even know it. That was also the year the great movie Jeremiah Johnson was released. Robert Redford played the lead. If you haven’t watched it: stop right now and put it on your “to do” list.  [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - May 2024 | Buddy Evans

Posted by Admin

Last month the aviation industry lost a great man, and I lost one of my closest, most cherished friends. This guy was a everything… a friend, mentor, and brother. I say “lost” but he is not lost because I know where he is. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - April 2024 | One way to Excellence

Posted by Admin

Recently, I was asked to be a guest speaker at DaVinciSKY annual leadership meeting. If you don’t [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - February 2024 | Monster Distractions

Posted by Admin

There is a monster in the hangar. I’m not sure how it got in but it’s high time it left. The monster’s name is Distractions. We must focus to minimize and eliminate Distractions, or it can be financially costly or even dangerous.  The Aviation Human Factors Dirty Dozen listed on www.FAASafety.gov defines distractions as anything that draws your attention away from the task at hand. It goes on to say that distractions are the number one cause of forgetting things, including what has or has not been done in a maintenance task. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - January 2024 | Attitude of Excellence

Posted by Admin

Recently I was asked to be the guest speaker at DavinciSKY Leadership Conference. My topic was titled, “One Way to Excellence.” Just before I spoke to the group, I met with some of the linemen that worked for the company. DavinciSKY is a business with a long-standing history in the electrical power industry. These are the guys that hang underneath the helicopter or work from the skid to clear power lines. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - December 2023 | Monster Distractions

Posted by Admin

There is a monster in the hangar. I’m not sure how it got in but it’s high time it left. The monster’s name is Distractions. We must focus to minimize and eliminate Distractions, or it can be financially costly or even dangerous.  The Aviation Human Factors Dirty Dozen listed on www.FAASafety.gov defines distractions as anything that draws your attention away from the task at hand. It goes on to say that distractions are the number one cause of forgetting things, including what has or has not been done in a maintenance task. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Maintenance Minute - November 2023 | Focus

Posted by Admin

When I first started my civilian aircraft maintenance career many years ago, my friend and mentor Buddy Evans told me that as aircraft mechanics we are not afforded the luxury of a mistake. I understood what Buddy was saying but I thought, how can we, as humans, not make mistakes? It’s in our nature. “To err is human,” is the famous quote credited to Alexander Pope in the 1700’s. I soon realized that what Buddy was trying to communicate to me was that I must take every precaution to mitigate the risk of errors. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute

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