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Archive: April 2017


A Tremor in the Force

Posted by Randy Mains

On December 22, 2016 a State District Court judge in Austin upheld a ruling, giving the State of Texas the right to regulate fees paid to air ambulances for transporting patients covered by Workers' Compensation Insurance. On the surface it doesn’t look like that ruling affects the American HAA (Helicopter Air Ambulance) industry, but it could prove to change the fabric of the industry. The ruling has the potential to create a negative ripple effect in our industry, if successfully argued and used as a precedent in other State class-action lawsuits currently filed against for-profit HAA providers. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - April 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

Helicopter Maintenance Blog* April 2017 [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


Maximum Performance Takeoff…To Hover or Not to Hover?

Posted by Randy Rowles

Variations on the methods used to conduct a maneuver during a Checkride really isn’t that uncommon. However, lately one maneuver seems to have more variations than others, and in many cases, with the applicant not understanding why. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride