Archive: April 2023
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Throughout my career, I have been fortunate to have worked on many diverse types of airframes and engines in many different flight operations. One of my favorites and most rewarding has been helicopter air ambulance (HAA). As a helicopter mechanic in the emergency medical service field, I had the understanding that my work contributed to the wellbeing of others. Motivational speaker/author, Zig Ziglar, once said that “ability is important in our quest for success, but dependability is critical.” This is especially true for the HAA mechanic. The base mechanic position is usually filled by a single mechanic who operates multiple roles with numerous responsibilities. This one-man (or woman) setup makes dependability critical.
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Maintenance Minute
Mark Tyler
Maintenance Minute
Posted by Admin
Undoubtedly, the "checkride" can be stressful for anyone, be it the private pilot or ATP applicant; everyone suffers from the notorious "checkride-itis." I get it! I'm evaluated multiple times per year and have been for years. While, admittedly, I have come to somewhat "embrace" it, I don't think anyone truly becomes fully inoculated to the checkride and all of the emotions that go with it.
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Matt Johnson
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
A key concept in the development of early relationships is finding common ground; elements within each of our lives where we share interest and experience. It is through these shared perspectives that we gain trust and confidence that our communications with each other have meaning and understanding. At times, identifying common ground can seem like an impossible task. As the vertical lift industry becomes more diverse, the people, aircraft, and even operating methodologies look very different; however, the importance of working together has never been more critical than it is today.
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My 2 Cents Worth
Randy Rowles
My Two Cents Worth