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Author: Admin


Flight of the Phoenix Down Under

Posted by Admin

I am in awe of aviation mechanics. I have always admired their ability to fix complex and even not-so-complex machines by wading through, what are to me, confusing-to-understand thick, cumbersome maintenance manuals.   [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


This Could Be Your Path Back to Pilothood

Posted by Admin

As the pilot shortage becomes more of an issue within all segments of aviation, an increasing number of pilots that have not flown in several years are returning to the flight deck. One such group that is reentering the pilot fold are former military aviators. In some cases, these pilots left the military and did not obtain Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) pilot certificates prior to discharging from their military service.    [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Maintenance Minute - September 2022

Posted by Admin

As a young helicopter mechanic at Carraway Hospital, one of the first jobs assigned to me by my mentor was washing the helicopters every day. One reason was to display a positive and professional image for the hospital. The other reason as he explained was to provide another avenue to put eyes on and inspect the aircraft. I quickly learned this was sound advice. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Be Prepared for the Unexpected

Posted by Admin

I very nearly lost my life in a training accident while serving as a combat helicopter pilot in Vietnam but my training to expect the unexpected saved my life and the instructor flying with me.  I’d been ‘in country’ for three months when my instructor nearly killed us.  I was taking my check ride to become an aircraft commander in the Bell 205 Huey.  Imagine the irony of losing your life while training to save your life in an emergency only to die training for it.  It seemed nuts.  It also sounds like a line out of the book Catch-22. [Read More...]

Tags: My 2 Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Mid-Air Collision Avoidance…No Radio Required!

Posted by Admin

As the proud owner of a 1940 Piper Cub, I enjoy flying an aircraft that takes me back in time. From the moment I see that bright, yellow beauty, I’m encapsulated in an era when flying was a peaceful get away to a privileged few. Of course, my flight activities in my Cub are now conducted among more modern and better performing aircraft. Could the disparity of performance and regulatory allowance between my Cub and other aircraft create a potential safety hazard? [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Things Have Come a Long Way

Posted by Admin

A friend of mine recently sent me a copy of a letter addressed to all copilots at American Airways dated 25 October 1930.   When I read it, I realized how far we’ve come in 92 years in the crew resource management world. In fact, quite a lot of what I read, I found shamelessly politically incorrect when compared to today’s thinking in our aviation world.  [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Maintenance Minute - August 2022 | Tool Control

Posted by Admin

My first encounter with helicopter maintenance was just after separating from the U.S. Air Force. I was attending Alabama Aviation and Technical College and my instructor helped me land a job at Fort Rucker maintaining U.S. Army helicopters. It was love at first sight and that love for helicopters is still strong today. Thinking back on the countless ways helicopters have shaped my professional belief system, I am reminded of the everyday obsession I have with tool control. You see, in the Air Force I had to check-out and check- in my toolbox every day. Every time I removed a tool a numbered chit went in that empty spot and stayed there until the tool was returned to its proper place. My chit number is still committed to memory after all these years. Tool accountability was then—and is now—a big deal. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Power Recovery Autorotation | But Don’t Touch The Throttle?

Posted by Admin

As a Part 135 operator, much flexibility is given to develop an FAA approved training program specific to that operator. Although there are national norms related to the amount of training time an operator may spend on ground or flight training modules, the modules themselves are well defined. Where the flexibility exists is in the standard of the maneuvers flown with the FAA Practical Test Standards (PTS) often used as a minimum. In cases where an operator desires a different outcome for a maneuver in a more restrictive manner, this may be included into the FAA approved training program for that specific operator. [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Air Ambulance Helicopter Struck Ground During Go-Around

Posted by Admin

The title of this blog should be “Know your autopilot.”  As an ATP examiner having tested and examined pilots from over twenty countries, I have seen my share of pilots miss-handle the autopilot both in the aircraft and in the Level-D flight simulator and get themselves into trouble.  What I observed in most cases was the pilot flying would ‘punch off’ the autopilot just when they needed it most, mainly because they were not certain what the autopilot was doing.  Whenever they hit the autopilot disconnect button, I called it the “I’m going to kill myself switch” and watch the fun begin. [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Maintenance Minute - July 2022 | FOD Control

Posted by Admin

When you hear the acronym FOD, what is your first thought? Do you hear it as Foreign Object Damage or Foreign Object Debris? Either is correct depending on when it is found. Debris is certainly the preferred option as finding the foreign object before it can cause damage is optimal. [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute

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