Author: Admin
Posted by Admin
The premise of aviation safety is an expectation that all pilots, maintainers, or other persons associated with the operation of an aircraft are trained and checked to a standard. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) provides their expectation of a minimum standard for certification of pilots with the Airman Certification Standards (ACS) or Practical Test Standards (PTS). These references are the FAA’s minimum acceptable standard by which an individual is measured for airman related tasking and often have worldwide acceptance. Quite impressive really.
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Randy Rowles
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
Have you heard the term “evidence based training” (EBT)? It’s sometimes referred to as “competency based training.” EBT is a relatively new approach to flight training developed in 2013 on behalf of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that was led by a group of airline industry experts to increase the effectiveness of pilot training to meet the challenges of airline operations in the 21st century. If the past is any indication of the future, I think we will hear more about EBT in our industry.
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My Two Cents Worth
Randy Mains
My Two Cents Worth
Posted by Admin
It all began with a motivational poster bought from the trunk of a car. That poster hung on my bedroom wall for years, positioned so it would be the last thing I saw before going to sleep and the first thing I saw upon waking up. (No, I was not married at the time.) These seven words I saw and contemplated multiple times every day:
Change Your Thoughts and Change Your World.
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Maintenance Minute
Mark Tyler
Maintenance Minute
Posted by Admin
Lately, I am seeing an increased number of videos voluntarily posted to social media sites that clearly show pilots conducting flights contrary to FAA regulations. For this article, I am going to focus my examples within the business of helicopter hog hunting.
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Randy Rowles
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
I recently came across an unsigned quote about professionalism. It read, “We do not convey professionalism by loud talk or fast work. We do convey that we are professional by demonstrating that there is only black and white, right and wrong, one way and one way only; by thinking ahead, double checking, asking when we are not sure, being responsible for our actions and not assuming anything!” In fact, the dictionary defines professionalism as the competence or skill expected of a professional and goes on to say that professionalism is the key to quality and efficiency. Personally, I believe professionalism goes far beyond competence and skill but most assuredly effects quality and efficiency. As a professional helicopter mechanic, how do you demonstrate your professionalism? What does the top of your toolbox look like? What about your work area? Do you empty the trash cans, or do they spill over on the hangar floor? Do you clean the helicopter windows before the pilot arrives? Do the little things matter to you? I was taught that you never get a second chance to make a first impression so… yes, the little things always matter. When I look in my box of essential tools I will ask if my professionalism passes the test. Will my speech pass the professional communication test? Am I committed to my customers and employees? Am I growing both personally and professionally?
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Maintenance Minute
Mark Tyler
Maintenance Minute
Posted by Admin
As a young person, I was intrigued by the mere fact of an aircraft in flight. I had no knowledge of aviation as no one in my immediate family had ever flown. When I was about 10 years of age, we moved next to an airport. I would often ride my bike to the airport and watch planes takeoff and land, meet pilots, and eventually engaged in aviation by washing aircraft. Lots and lots of aircraft!
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Randy Rowles
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
USHST: Helicopter industry headed for highest fatal accidents in more than a decade was the headline of a press release posted in July 2019 that read: The U.S. helicopter industry said it was experiencing a year of tragic accidents with too many lives being lost. To stem the surge of fatal accidents, the U.S. Helicopter Safety Team called on helicopter operators, pilots, instructors and mechanics to rely on safety basics and place a priority on them. The safety organization called for pilots, instructors and others with a stake in helicopter safety to focus on SEVEN key actions that will save lives based on past accident reports. Here are the seven key actions:
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My Two Cents Worth
Randy Mains
My Two Cents Worth
Posted by Admin
I recall starting the day with excitement, yet nervous anticipation as my civilian helicopter maintenance career began. As a young man, I didn't have a taller-than-me stacked toolbox filled with every possible combination of tools one can imagine. What I had was a two-drawer portable toolbox that was stocked with the bare minimum. When my new boss and future mentor saw this, he asked, “What are you going to do with those plow tools?” By his raw honesty, he certainly succeeded in his intent to change my perspective. If I was going to be a professional aircraft mechanic, then I had to be equipped for the role.
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Customer Service
Maintenance Minute
Mark Tyler
Maintenance Minute
Posted by Admin
In all my years of pilot training, I have never taken a position on a particular piece of training equipment—until now.
Several months ago, I was introduced to a young pilot flying in the National Guard. He is both a pilot and engineer with a healthy passion for helicopter safety, and he introduced me to a new world of technology related to training pilots on inadvertent/unintended instrument meteorological conditions (I/UIMC).
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Randy Rowles
Rotorcraft Checkride
Rotorcraft Checkride
Posted by Admin
I’ve observed, from 9 years speaking at Helisuccess in Las Vegas, Nevada, that most if not all attendees have had that special someone at their side acting as their ‘wingman’. In the context here, wingman is the person who knows your back story, knows the struggles you’ve made, someone who not only believes in you, but actively cheers you on in private and in public; a close confidant, someone who lends a sympathetic ear and encouragement during times of your self-doubt. A wingman may help you study your emergency checklist and will very often make numerous personal sacrifices in doing so, be it financially or gladly give you their personal time so that your career may progress. A wingman unselfishly does this as a way to boost you up so that you may someday accomplish your dream, whatever your dream may be.
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Cherish your Wingman
My Two Cents Worth
Randy Mains
My Two Cents Worth