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ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - October 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

The next time you run across a pilot who complains about the navigation equipment in his aircraft—right after he enters his coordinates into the panel mounted Garmin 430, the backup windshield RAM mounted Garmin 695, and the backup-backup glare shield mounted I-Phone—ask him what he would have done during the time of the Transcontinental Airway System. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcontinental_Airway_System [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - September 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

The eccentrics are an offset center adjuster that allows the taking up of play at the MRH damper fixed-lever, or damper piston anchor point. They are set at overhaul of the MRH, however it has been demonstrated repeatedly that the factory adjustments change after the MRH has been “run-in.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


FAA DPE Program Overhaul: Here’s a Thought!

Posted by Randy Rowles

The Designated Pilot Examiner (DPE) program is a key component to the Federal Aviation Administrations (FAA) ability to administer pilot certification within our current system. The largest majority of FAA pilot examinations are conducted by DPEs, however the DPE pool is shallowing. There are a multitude of reasons why there are less DPEs available with the difficulty of being selected to fulfill the role being at the top of the list. Since the FAA is potentially making changes to the DPE program, I thought I would throw out a few recommendations. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Gene Reynolds Risk Resource Management

Posted by Randy Mains

In the Jan/Feb 2016 issue of Rotorcraft Pro magazine in my ‘My Two Cents’ Worth’ column entitled “Not So New CRM” I talk about the easy to use and understand Risk Resource Management decision-making tool that the pilots at Southwest Airlines use when making decisions. You can access that article at the following link. It begins on page 8. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - August 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

Since I’m writing this three months in advance, it’s a bit hard to find a “current” topic to throw out there. However, one issue I noticed recently is the increase in incidents and accidents due to tool FOD. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


Paperless Cockpit…A Slippery Slope for Instructors

Posted by Randy Rowles

During a recent Private Pilot examination, I asked the applicant to show me his planned cross-country route and associated planning documents. The applicant pulled out an iPad that was mounted to a kneeboard and said, “I’m ready!” As an opened-minded person, I was intrigued by the applicant’s quick study and preparedness for the task at hand. However, I was concerned the applicant hadn’t properly heard my request and restated that I desired to review all aspects of the pre-flight planning to include plotting the course, wind correction, etc. “Yes Sir” was the applicant’s reply. “I’m ready to go. It’s all right here” he said while holding up his iPad. The lack of materials the applicant had brought with him for the examination caught my attention. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Are You A Good Role Model??

Posted by Randy Mains

About a year ago a pilot attending one of my 5-day CRM Instructor courses asked me, “Have you seen this?” He played a YouTube clip that made my blood turn to ice. Michael Farikh, a highly respected Russian pilot who accomplished many great things for civilian helicopter aviation in his country, posted it. One article published just after his death called Farikh “The godfather of Russian helicopter aviation.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - July 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

Looks like we got a couple “new” aircraft types entering the market place within the next year or so. The first production Bell 505 landed at a Bell Training Center recently, where they will begin training instructors and eventually the initial pilots and mechanics. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


Sacred Trust

Posted by Randy Mains

“Sacred trust,” is what your passenger exhibits when they get into your helicopter to go on a flight. By their very actions they are telling you, “I am placing my life in your hands.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Posting Helicopter Crash Videos…Training Benefit or Industry Dogma?

Posted by Randy Rowles

This past week, two videos were posted throughout the Internet regarding helicopter incidents that caught my attention. One was a fire fighting helicopter hitting wires while departing with a load of water, and the other of a wedding party flight which ended in a fatal crash after an Inadvertent Instrument Meteorological Condition (IIMC) event. On the surface, the immediate value of visually experiencing the mistakes of our pilot peers seems priceless. The issue is the unknowing public believing each helicopter pilot is just one flight away from a video-recorded disaster! [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride

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