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Fatigue a Stealthy Killer

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Have you ever been so tired flying at night or early morning that, thinking back on it, you could not remember the takeoff? As an air medical pilot in the early days in Houston and San Diego, I can raise my hand and say, “I have.” And why was that? The answer: Fatigue. [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Times Change

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“Times change.” I’ve heard that saying all my life. “Improvise, Adapt and Overcome” is the unofficial mantra of the U.S. Marine Corps. When I maintained an S76C+ in a former position, our mantra was, “We’re fluid because flexible is too rigid”. The ability to adapt in any situation is crucial. A paradigm shift can sometimes be the only obstacle between success and failure.  [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


The SCHELL Model

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File this month’s blog as ‘nice to know’ information but not necessarily critical to flight safety.  I think I’m correct in assuming that most of us in aviation have heard of Professor James Reason’s Swiss Cheese model of accident causation sometimes called the "cumulative act effect.”  But have you ever heard of the SHELL model developed much earlier?  I hadn’t heard of the SHELL model until I attended a 5-day CRM Instructor’s training course at Global Air Training in Cheshire, England. Global Air Training is an institution that has been training airline flight, cabin and all manner of aviation personnel for over 25 years to become certified CRM Instructors. [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


The 61.75 Foreign Pilot Verification Process - Verify, Verify, Verify!

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To provide a path for a pilot holding a pilot certificate from another country to operate a U.S. registered aircraft, the FAA publishes Federal Aviation Regulation (FAR) 61.75. Within this FAR, a pilot can apply for and be issued a private pilot (PPL) certificate from the FAA, based upon their foreign pilot certificate. To receive this certification, no additional testing is required as long as the foreign pilot certificate is valid and the applicant meets minimum English speaking requirements of ICAO Level 4 proficiency. [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


CRM Success Stories

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As a CRM facilitator it’s rewarding when I receive CRM success stories from folks who have a good story to tell. I have two stories to share in this issue, the first from flight paramedic, Rhett Draehn, who is the program safety manager at Careflight in Dallas and took my CRM instructor’s course several years ago. He wrote: [Read More...]

Tags: My Two Cents Worth Randy Mains
Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Stupid Is As Stupid Does

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The ability to record video and capture awe-inspiring moments to share for many lifetimes to come has never been easier. The desire to capture such video evidence of our life experiences seems more exciting than the actual experience of living life itself. I too have peered through my phone’s screen to view an event that would happen only once in a lifetime thinking if my camera doesn’t capture the moment, it would be lost forever. Here’s a secret…often, the video doesn’t do the moment justice. Since you didn’t see it with your own eyes, the moment is truly lost. [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Mentorship Means Success

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If you have read my articles in recent months, you know I have talked a lot about character, integrity, and other such tools to have in your toolbox to help you have a successful career as an aircraft maintenance technician.  Those are all essential. An often overlooked, but critical tool to have at your disposal is an experienced mentor.   [Read More...]

Tags: Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryMaintenance Minute


Life in a Spin!

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If you are looking for an intensely human, punchy, immensely funny, really short but sometimes [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


Expiring Flight Instructor Certificate…Why Replace the Card?

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Every 24 calendar months, each person holding a valid Flight Instructor certificate must demonstrate to the FAA they continue to meet the minimum standards of the Flight Instructor PTS or an equivalent renewal criterion. Once competency is demonstrated and application processed, the FAA issues a new Flight Instructor certificate, exactly like the previous one, but with a new date. Why? [Read More...]

Tags: Flight Instructor Certificate Randy Rowles
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Virtual Reality Pilot Certification…Why Not?

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Recently, our company has partnered with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and US Helicopter Safety Team (USHST) to combat Inadvertent/Unintended IMC fatal accidents using Virtual Reality (VR) simulation. The training is conducted in the HeliMOD III VR simulation system developed in partnership between Precision Flight Controls, a US company, and Ryan Aerospace (Australia). [Read More...]

Tags: Randy Rowles Rotorcraft Checkride
Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride

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