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To Save A Life

Posted by Randy Mains

I’ve flown my share of dramatic life-saving helicopter missions in my 45-year aviation career. I’ve even put myself in harm’s way to save the lives of four soldiers pinned down by enemy fire in Vietnam. The most harrowing rescue to date didn’t occur while at the controls of a helicopter, rather it was a byproduct of having been a helicopter air ambulance pilot. The split-second decision I made that day held consequences too dire to contemplate, as I could have easily landed in a Middle Eastern jail charged with murder. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


The 61.75 Foreign Pilot Verification Process - Verify, Verify, Verify!

Posted by Randy Rowles

When a foreign pilot applies for a 61.75 PPL, they will complete FAA Form 8060-71: Verification of Authenticity of Foreign License, Rating, and Medical Certification. Once this form is submitted to the FAA, it usually takes about four to six weeks to complete. The speed of this process is directly affected by the response time of the foreign pilot regulatory agency. Once the verification is completed, the FAA will issue a letter to the foreign pilot applicant that will contain all foreign pilot certificates held by the applicant, both current and expired. This letter would be presented to an FAA representative to facilitate the issuance of a 61.75 PPL. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


Helicopter Maintenance Tips September 2015

Posted by Scott Skola

ATA 67Airbus H135: A quick reminder was sent in on the proper hardware stack up at the tailrotor hydraulic actuator input lever and tailrotor control rod. A situation can present itself where a 2nd (extra) spacer/washer can be left on the tailrotor gearbox side of the input lever hardware stack up. Especially when the hydraulic actuator is changed and includes new hardware. The existing washer can very easily be mistaken for part of the control rod assembly. The first potential clue of the extra washer is the control tube/input lever nut and lock washer interface is a “little” off. The second hard clue is the pilot will notice his tailrotor pedals are “off” a little in normal conditions. [Submitted by PA] [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


The Unexpected

Posted by Francis Meyrick

In the fluid, endlessly fascinating world of helicopter flying, the Unexpected can come calling at the oddest times. Months, even years of relative routine may slip harmlessly by. But you never know when to expect that soft, unassuming knock on your door. It may be soft. But the subsequent detonation of sensory input is often anything but. That incipient, meek tap occasionally heralds in an explosive crisis that starts unfolding far faster than words can begin to describe it. The famous “Oh, shit!” moments helicopter pilots talk about afterwards, over a quiet beer, where even the expletive dies, stillborn, on your lips. You literally don’t have time to vent your feelings. It all happens so fast. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMoggy's Musings


The Fame Gallopers

Posted by Francis Meyrick

It’s a quiet night, and I am at home, sitting outside on the porch, relaxing under the emerging stars. A cool Guinness has hit the spot, and I am mellow, full of dreams, and silent thought. I have been pondering a simple question… How much apple pie can you eat? [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMoggy's Musings


Fessing Up

Posted by Francis Meyrick

In the life of every Man, Woman, or Newt, there comes a point when He/She/It faces a moral dilemma. To wit: do I confess, and maybe get shouted at? Or do I keep it quiet, and hope nobody notices? Every Man, Woman or Newt has to answer this question in his/her/it’s own way, but the question will rear its ugly head, sooner or later. It will define your humanity. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMoggy's Musings


“I’m an NVG Instructor”…Are you sure?

Posted by Randy Rowles

In October 2009, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released new regulations related to the use of Night Vision Goggles (NVGs) in the US National Airspace System. Inclusive of these newly minted FARs was guidance on NVG pilot training and certification contained within FAR Part 61. Additionally, specific criteria was established to be an NVG Instructor. Although the regulation is clear as to the specific eligibility requirements to be an NVG Instructor, the guidance to provide an NVG instructor the required endorsement per FAR 61.195(k)(7) is non-existent. Since the release of these new regulations in 2009, FAA personnel have struggled to find unity among their colleagues on this issue. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRotorcraft Checkride


But We’ve Always Done it This Way

Posted by Randy Mains

Has anyone ever said to you, “But we’ve always done it this way”? It’s a complacency trap that once held the potential for dire consequences for five of us employed as HEMS pilots for the king of Saudi Arabia. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMy Two Cents Worth


The Random Procreation of Fun

Posted by Francis Meyrick

I get a lot of emails, which is fun, and a few years ago, I received one such missive which positively bubbled cheerfulness. An exchange of emails led to a couple of phone conversations, and I found myself chatting to a bouncy young fellow, who was, in three words, ‘full of beans’. Our hero was in the process of graduating as a Commercial Helicopter Pilot and CFI from the renowned Bristow’s Academy in Florida. A learning establishment about which I have heard much good. He certainly appeared to have enjoyed it, and he now faced his penultimate challenge: to wit, the giving of a presentation to his fellow class mates and his instructors. Apparently that’s a tradition down there, and depending on the graduate concerned, some have been known to give the event much preparation. To include slide shows, and detailed hand out notes. Well, this young fellow wanted to ask me if he could use “Moggy’s Tunaboat Helicopter Manual” and the associated outrageous stories from the Dark Side, for his presentation. It was nice of him to ask. “Sure”, I said, “You bet! Just let me know afterwards how it works out!” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMoggy's Musings


The Fermi Paradox

Posted by Francis Meyrick

Some things have long intrigued me. Understanding, despite my best efforts, eludes me. No, I’m not referring to Woman. Although in that area too, my L-plates are permanent. What I am referring to is the great “Fermi Paradox”. If there are billions of stars, more stars than grains of sand on all the beaches on this minor planet, then there are multi-multi-billions of planets, and if just one in XXXX thousand houses intelligent aliens, then that amounts to ga-zillions of intelligent civilizations polluting the Universe out there. And doubtless, somewhere, somebody has long since discovered the recipe essential to my personal contentment in this Universe: a simple formula. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryMoggy's Musings

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