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Author: Scott Skola


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - April 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

There were also a number of notable accidents in the past months. The tour industry took several hits and an EC135 went in the water in Australia. While they all appear to be operations sided, it never hurts to regroup and ensure we are minding our Ps and Qs on the maintenance side. And here is one example that drives it home: http://aerossurance.com/helicopters/lax-maintenance-honolulu-b206/ [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - March 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

After years of speculation, a new study released during Heli-Expo has confirmed there will be a shortage of helicopter mechanics over the next 18 years. I don’t know if that means “experienced” mechanics or just a head count, but with stated numbers of over 40,000 mechanics, now might be a time to brush off your resume. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - February 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

For those who are helicopter history buffs, I recently ran across an interesting website. It chronicles the 100 year anniversary of a familiar company from its roots in the fixed-wing industry through today. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - January 2018

Posted by Scott Skola

Good to see you survived another year. As I mentioned last month, we will be using the Lama-Nator’s “daily inspection tip format” on other helicopter models for this year’s tips and tricks. And the first stop will be the ever present Bell 407. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - December 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

Well, we made another year. Thanks for your support. Next year, I plan to expand the “daily preflight check” format we’ve been using with the Lama tips to other airframes. Will probably start with a 407 or AS350 before I lose those memories too… [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - November 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

After writing about the “sunset” of several legacy helicopters this year, it was good to see the rebirth of one old workhorse: the K-Max. I never worked one, but been around a few over the years. Simple and rugged. Definitely a no-frills ride, especially since any pax have to ride outside, side-saddle. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - October 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

The next time you run across a pilot who complains about the navigation equipment in his aircraft—right after he enters his coordinates into the panel mounted Garmin 430, the backup windshield RAM mounted Garmin 695, and the backup-backup glare shield mounted I-Phone—ask him what he would have done during the time of the Transcontinental Airway System. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transcontinental_Airway_System [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - September 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

The eccentrics are an offset center adjuster that allows the taking up of play at the MRH damper fixed-lever, or damper piston anchor point. They are set at overhaul of the MRH, however it has been demonstrated repeatedly that the factory adjustments change after the MRH has been “run-in.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - August 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

Since I’m writing this three months in advance, it’s a bit hard to find a “current” topic to throw out there. However, one issue I noticed recently is the increase in incidents and accidents due to tool FOD. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench


ROTORwrench…Tips, Tricks, and Info - July 2017

Posted by Scott Skola

Looks like we got a couple “new” aircraft types entering the market place within the next year or so. The first production Bell 505 landed at a Bell Training Center recently, where they will begin training instructors and eventually the initial pilots and mechanics. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryROTORwrench

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