Posted 10 years 36 days ago ago by Scott Skola
Well, here’s the inaugural maintenance tip posting. I’ll start with one post per month from here out highlighting 2 or 3 tips per posting. As more tips are submitted, I’ll increase the number per post and/or increase the number of monthly postings. If enough interest is generated, I might even add a section for specific maintenance only discussions and other maintenance based information. So to start the year off, here are January’s tips. If you have any questions, post a comment. If you’d like to send in a tip see info below.
ATA 22
Airbus EC135P2+: Troubleshooting intermittent YAW caution light with auto-pilot and FCDS systems. With both the YAW SAS SEMA and the YAW AUTOPILOT SEMA mounted on the same control tube at the fenestron, there can be additional intermittent flashes on cockpit displays when determining which YAW SEMA is at fault. Sometimes YAW SEMA 1 can influence YAW SEMA 2, or visa a versa. Separate the systems by turning off AUTOPILOT, pull into hover, and if YAW light indication returns it should be the YAW SEMA 2. If not, should be YAW SEMA 1. [Submitted by Rw]
ATA 32
Bell 407: Keep an eye on landing gear skid shoe mounting hardware, especially at area below aft landing gear cross-tube mount saddles. Aircraft with high daily landing cycles may cause this hardware to loosen with possible shoe/insert damage. Easier to tighten hardware on a regular basis. [Submitted by Rw]
Simply send an email to [email protected]. Enter tip type (general, aircraft, component, ground support, etc.) in subject line. Describe the tip in as much detail as needed and be sure to include any basic info for those readers that may lack experience on specific model. Ensure the aircraft/component model and your credit preference (anonymous, nickname, real name) are included in the email. No email addresses will be shared or permanently stored and will be deleted once tip is posted in the blog.
About the author: After a 32 year career in maintaining helicopters, Scott provides limited maintenance consulting services through his company, TEK Aviation LLC. He can be contacted at [email protected].
**And to keep the hounds at bay, the information contained in this blog is for informational and discussion purposes only.**