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Maintenance Minute - July 2024 | Formula for Success

Posted 200 days ago ago by Admin

In this crazy world many people believe that it is acceptaåble to have low expectations and operate with low standards. I’m not one of those people. Helicopter mechanics must choose to step up to a higher level of service. Ziz Zigler said “ability is important in our quest for success, but dependability was critical.” I maintain that ability and skill and knowledge are imperative but what good are those if one is not dependable? How effective is an EMS helicopter mechanic who chooses to ignore the phone when a pilot calls; leaving the crew and aircraft stranded in a field or on a highway? Who does it serve if we don’t require our mechanics to be a cut above? Does it really matter if we have mechanics that will install bolts but only start the nuts without any torque or cotter pins? 

This is a call to be different…to go the extra mile. Embrace the suck! Live every day above and beyond the call of duty!

Below is a list of expectations that I have created for myself and my crew. If these ideals are followed, they will definitely propel you to a higher level. And never underestimate the attitudes of one person to influence a whole team. 

Living these out won’t be easy, but few things that are worthwhile ever are.

Show up-On Time and Ready to Work

Look, Act, and Be Professional

Act with Integrity-Always Do the Right Thing-No        Matter the Cost.

Maintain a Positive Attitude

Be Committed

Be Dependable

Be Trustworthy


Serve Others – Always Go the Extra Mile

Invest in Personal & Professional Growth

Be a Courageous Self Leader

Be Disciplined

Maintain Your House

Be Humble-No One Person is Greater Than the Team

Excellence Always

Above is a great beginning to the formula for professional and personal success. If you practice any or all of these value driven ideals, you will separate yourself from the crowd. Add your own to these. Embrace excellence and be ready to take care of your aircrew when the call comes in.

READ MORE ROTOR PRO: https://justhelicopters.com/Magazine


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