Articles for category Company Profiles
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Large swells, high winds, tight vessel schedules that can change frequently during a single day and a narrow harbor entrance with various sand banks, makes Durban Harbour a challenging environment for any ship pilot to navigate. To assist the vessel pilots trying to enter or leave the harbor, Transnet Aviation transports skilled ship pilots with an intimate knowledge of the harbor to pilot the vessels.
South Africa was one of the first countries in the world to utilize a helicopter for marine pilot transfer, launching the Helicopter Marine Pilot Transfer (HMPT) concept in 1995.
HMPT operations are a high risk, hostile, and dynamic operating environment requiring exceptional flying skills and precision hoisting as well as efficient and flawless maintenance. It takes years of training to achieve the highest levels of proficiency in safety and efficiency. There are only a handful of qualified offshore helicopter pilots, experienced helicopter hoist operators and licensed aircraft maintenance engineers who have flown and worked on the marine pilot service, and who meet the stringent minimum requirements.
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Helicopter Hoist Operations
Helicopter Marine PIlot Transfer
Transnet Aviation
Company Profiles
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“It’s not fake it until you make it , but keep working until you obtain it,” says the entrepreneur pilot who accelerated through the pilot ranks into management faster than a V-22 Osprey and decided that wasn’t enough. So, he bought four helicopter tour operations that fly from Montana to Mount Rushmore. That wasn’t enough. So, he’s starting up a fifth utility operation to balance his tourist-heavy holdings. Yet, if you’re expecting to meet some hard-charging, win-at-all-costs egomaniac, you’re in for a pleasant surprise and time.
Here, let’s introduce you to Mark Schlaefli president and owner of Dakota Rotors LLC, and (deep breath now): Black Hills Aerial Adventures, Rushmore Helicopters, Badger Helicopters (DBA Badlands Helicopters) and Yellowstone Helicopters. Coming this fall is the addition of a Part 133 and Part 137 certificate to Dakota Rotors to enhance their ability to deliver a full spectrum of services throughout the Midwest and Mountain West.
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Black Hills Aerial Adventures
Dakota Rotors
Helicopter tour Operations
Human Interest
Career Development
Company Profiles
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The Mont-Blanc massif is a majestic range of mountains shared between France, Italy and Switzerland. Culminating at 4,808 meters above sea level, the Mont-Blanc summit is the highest of Western Europe.
It’s a true paradise for mountain lovers as it shows them different climates throughout the year, which makes it a place to visit for all seasons.
Mountains create challenges, such as the altitude, the lack of oxygen, the changing weather, the different surfaces (snow, ice, rocks) and limited accessibility. At the top of some summits, you can find huts for hikers, ski lifts. All these facilities need regular maintenance.
The only sustainable way to access them easily and quickly is to use helicopters. Fortunately, Chamonix Mont-Blanc Hélicoptères (CMBH) is strategically located at the bottom of Glacier of Argentière near Chamonix in Haute-Savoie, France. It was founded in 1992 by pilot and CEO Pascal Brun, who is known by the local community as the pilot with more than 30,000 flight hours.
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Chamonix Mont Blanc Helicopters
High Altitude Flying
Utililty and Rescue Helicopters
Company Profiles
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If you’ve ever witnessed a wildfire, you’ve likely seen the ubiquitous Bambi Bucket® dropping water on bright orange flames. The product turns 40 this year, and it has grown in both size and function over the decades. In this article, learn more about the product that has a simple appearance, but high visibility. It's garnered a tremendous international customer base and its popularity is continuing to grow with an increase in severe wildfires.
SEI Industries of British Columbia, Canada, produces Bambi Bucket®. They have other product lines as well, such as military fuel systems and aviation transport systems, to name a couple. General Manager Mark Tayler has been with the company for 18 years, and said that they have popular products that solve a problem for helicopter operators in military and fire service applications. He added that their success is in their employees and how the company is managed.
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Bambi Bucket
Bambi Bucket Pilot Training
SEI Industries
Company Profiles
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The village of Zermatt, Switzerland, is nestled at the base of the majestic Matterhorn in the midst of a renowned hiking and ski region. These amazing attributes combine to create one of the world’s most iconic vacation resorts.
The region is legendary amongst mountaineers. The Haute (High) Route, a challenging international hiking and ski route that takes several days to complete, runs from the Matterhorn to Mont Blanc, the highest peak in the Alps. More than 400 kilometers of hiking trails wind through and out of the Matterhorn Valley, drawing year-round visitors. However, this alpine paradise also harbors potential dangers. Rockfalls, avalanches, invisible crevasses and suddenly changing weather can rapidly transform this dreamy region into a nightmare.
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Agusta Bell 206A
Air Zermatt Aviation Rescue
Alouette III
Company Profiles
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“I never really thought I’d have the title “Vice President” in front of my name. Coming out of the Army as basically an A&P mechanic, I never really thought my career would reach this level; it’s a pretty daunting responsibility to be honest,” says Vice President Kip McDermott of night vision leader Aviation Specialties Unlimited (ASU) in Boise, Idaho. His current responsibilities seem daunting for sure: working with government regulators all over the world, writing test plans, certification plans, and wrangling designated engineering representatives (DERs) up for engineering reports, overseeing a Part 145 repair station along with ASU’s Part 135 and Part 141 flight operations groups, as well as being responsible for supplemental type certificate (STC) certification and ASU’s highly regarded night vision goggle (NVG) lab would “daunt” any executive, but McDermott is confident he can handle his lengthy list. If he loses his grip, he says there’s help, “The saving grace of it all is that I’ve got good guys I’m working with; I don’t have to micromanage them (I’ve never been a micromanager and will never be.) They make my job easier; if I drop something, they pick it up.”
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Aviation Specialites Unlimited
Executive Watch
Kip McDermott ASU
RotorPro Executive Watch
Company Profiles
Career Development
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The Mesa, Arizona helicopter manufacturer, emerges from bankruptcy ready to stabilize and support customers with an eye on future growth.
Brad Pedersen, the newly announced president of MD Helicopters LLC, is no-nonsense regarding the company's future. After three years of working through a bankruptcy process with a compilation of companies, Pedersen said that MD Helicopters is ready to focus on its core business – the customers and after-market support. The 35-year aerospace veteran said that the company is financially strong, and the bankruptcy was a collateralized loan fund that included ownership of several companies. It wasn't a bankruptcy borne of poor financial management.
By Jennifer Ferrero
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Brad Pedersen
MD 500
MD 530F
MD Helicopter New Ownership
MD Helicopters New Leadership
MD Helicopters President Brad Pedersen
Helicopter Event Coverage
Company Profiles
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Beginning with this issue, our vertical lift industry media company Rotorcraft Pro, will rebrand itself to be Rotor Pro in order to broaden its horizons in an evolving industry.
The word “Rotorcraft” in our current brand has served us well for more than a decade, but the industry is rapidly changing and it’s too narrow a focus when considering aircraft advances such as powered-lift, eVTOL, unmanned, and urban air mobility.
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Editor Lyn Burks
Rotorcraft Pro
Company Profiles
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Another aviation team that bolsters the city and its surroundings is the Las Vegas Metro Police Department (LVMPD) Air Support/Search and Rescue Section. Director Steve Morris, says that the unit’s mission is clear: Provide air support to all sections of the department and any concurrent jurisdictions within Clark County. Their law enforcement helicopter operations date back to 1969 when the City of Las Vegas Police purchased and operated a Hughes 300. In 1973, the Las Vegas PD and the Clark County Sheriff’s Office merged and became the unit it is today. In the decades since then the program has flown Hughes 300, MD 500 (C,D,E), and two retired Air Force Bell HH-1H Hueys. Today, the unit flies one Airbus H145 in search and rescue configuration and three MD 530FFs in LE configuration.
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Airbus H145 SAR
Churchill ARS 700 georeferenced moving map system
Goodrich hoisting
inserting tactical teams
L3 Wescam MX-10 camera/sensor
Las Vegas Metro Police Air Support
law enforcement helicopter operations
MD530 FF LE Configuration
sling loading
synthetic vision cockpit technology
the aircraft and tactical flight officer (TFO)
Company Profiles
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There is a unique city in the heart of Europe that is nicknamed the “City of a Hundred Spires.” This magical city allows one to get lostin the labyrinth of its narrow streets in the inspiring old city center and enjoy the breathtaking views while standing on its beloved Charles Bridge. Prague is a romantic, ancient city, but it’s also vibrant, successful, and cosmopolitan.
Yet, the skies of Prague don't just display its amazing church spires, but also contain a great deal of aircraft flying in and out of the airport as Prague is where Bell Textron has offices in Europe located at the Prague Vaclav Havel International Airport (LKPR). It’s where the only Bell owned service facility in Europe is located.
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Bell 429 approved facility in Europe
Bell Amsterdam Distribution Center
Bell Helicopter
Bell Helicopter Maintenance Facility Prague
Bell Textron Prague
Rotor Blade UK
Company Profiles