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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Company Profiles


H135 Helicopters to Support Space Exploration

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I find it curious that the first flight on the surface of another planet will be attempted via a helicopter. As I write this article (February 2021), we are only days away from NASA’s Perseverance Mars rover landing on the surface of Mars. This new Mars rover is on the cusp of plunging into the Martian atmosphere to land on the Red Planet and is equipped with panoramic cameras, subsurface radar, laser micro imager, x-ray spectrometers, and a weather station. But there’s one more innovative piece of equipment that will be dropped from the belly of the Mars rover onto the planet’s surface: Ingenuity, the Mars helicopter! [Read More...]

Tags: Airbus Helicopters H135 Ingenuity Mars Helicopter the Mars helicopter!
Categories: categoryHuman Interest categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors



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Montenegro is a petit country in Europe with perhaps one of the most interesting histories among the Balkan countries. It is definitely the youngest of the Balkan nations as its independence was regained in 2006. Going through numerous political situations, Montenegro’s capital city, Podgorica, has been renamed a couple of times, going from Podgorica to Titograd (named after the former Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia’s leader Josip Broz Tito) and after the formal break-up of Yugoslavia, going back to its prior name Podgorica. The city is also where the Montenegrin air force is based. [Read More...]

Tags: Bell 505 Bell Training Academy Helicopter Gazelle Montenegro Air Force
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Executive Watch, President Tyson Phillips of AT Systems, LLC

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President Tyson Phillips of startup AT Systems LLC is at the very beginning of his business career. He’s never been an executive officer of a leading aviation company and his name is not known throughout the industry. He has yet to even turn a profit. This begs the question:  Why profile this newcomer in “Executive Watch,” a feature that historically profiles executives with a history? Well, the answer is simple: Pilot Tyson Phillips is likely on the verge of making history. If the company he co-founded fulfills its promise, AT Systems will transform aviation training.  It is often said that need is the mother of invention. Oklahoma National Guard Pilot Phillips co-founded his company with fellow military pilot Andre Lavallee out of the mother of a need—the need to prevent the leading cause of often fatal helicopter accidents: spatial disorientation caused by degraded visual environments such as inadvertent instrument meteorological conditions (IIMC) brown/white out.  [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Frasca builds on old school style to craft high-tech simulators

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Frasca International occupies a unique and storied position in the flight training device world, thanks to founder Rudy Frasca and his involvement in the early stages of building FTDs back in the 1950s. Now five of his eight children continue to carry the torch and keep the company ranked as one of the top simulator OEMs in the world. Frasca president/CEO John Frasca and his siblings were raised in the world of aircraft. Their late father Rudy was as passionate about piloting aircraft as he was about building flight simulators to help make aircraft safer.  Now with 62 years of experience, Frasca International is the only major family-owned flight simulator company. It employs more than 130 people, and about 3,000 of its sims are being used across more than 70 countries. [Read More...]

Tags: Aviation Training Devices (Basic or Advanced). FAA levels of Full Flight Simulators (FFSs) flight simulation flight simulators flight training devices FRASCA FTDs Level 1-3
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


Executive Watch - Steve Wysong, President of Wysong Enterprises Inc.

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Steve Wysong, the pioneering founder of avionics company, Wysong Enterprises, was born in Dayton, Ohio. That’s fitting, for Dayton also birthed another pioneering aviation shop started by the Wright Brothers. Like those famous flyers, Wysong’s life didn’t have the smoothest takeoff. His pastor-in-training father died before Wysong was born. He was raised by his mother and grandmother—and his grandfather’s power tools. The mother and grandmother nurtured their young boy and the tools occupied his hands and trained his brain. He says, “I didn’t have a lot of father guidance, so I had to do a lot of experimenting and teaching myself how to work with these tools. I played with them a lot and developed pretty good technical skills.” [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Avionics Steve Wysong Wysong Enterprises
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Two Bear Air Rescue: Working Together to Save Lives

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Started as a philanthropic project by venture capitalist Michael Goguen and an innovative group of pilots, Two Bear Air Rescue is a unique air support service bridging the gap between local law enforcement and helicopter air ambulance (HAA) operators. Covering an area larger than 120,000 square miles, their operations provide a critical lifeline to the millions of tourists who visit the breathtaking outdoor scenery from Yellowstone to Glacier National Park. Primarily performing search and rescue (SAR), they are an invaluable asset to local law enforcement. [Read More...]

Tags: Bell 429 Rescue Helicopter Flathead County Sheriff's Office Helicopter Rescue Helicopter Search and Rescue L3 WESCAM MX-10 camera Recco locator devices Two Bear Air Rescue
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Executive Watch - Trevor McIntyre, TracPlus CEO

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TracPlus, headquartered in New Zealand, coordinates collaboration and communication between first responders on a shared platform that has now logged 6,500,000 flight hours, which seems to approximate how many academic credit hours the technology company’s CEO, Trevor McIntyre, has accumulated. The executive has a bachelor’s degree and postgraduate degrees from Rhodes University in his native land of South Africa, as well as a further postgraduate degree from the University of Natal, and a Master’s Degree (with first class honors) from the National College of Ireland. Then there are his two professional charters as well. He’s a Chartered Accountant through his fellowship in the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. That’s impressive book-cracking. However, you’d be mistaken if you deemed McIntyre an ivory tower student detached from the real business world. Most of those degrees were earned in night classes while he pursued his career in the light of day day with Big Four accounting consulting firms, like KPMG and PWC, helping companies recognize their strengths and find their sometimes hidden flaws. “Studying that way (at night) taught me how to manage my time effectively and that you can fit more into your life than you believe that you can. I believe that education is a key part of constantly striving to improve yourself. My parents were both teachers and really emphasized the importance of lifelong learning to my brothers and I. It is a key part of what I try to embed into my teams.” says McIntyre. [Read More...]

Tags: Executive Watch TracPlus
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryHuman Interest


Manned-Unmanned Teaming: What Does It Mean for Helicopters and Pilots?

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Manned-unmanned teaming (MUM-T) is a term that helicopter pilots need to remember. MUM-T refers to efforts by helicopter OEMs to integrate unmanned rotary and fixed-wing drones and helicopters into functional, teaming relationships – based on Aristotle’s observation that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.” In the case of MUM-T, combining drones and helicopters creates teams that can do more than drones or helicopters alone. A case in point: Imagine a military ‘tank killer’ helicopter receiving targeting data from a fleet of autonomous surveillance drones. The drones would be tasked to spot enemy tanks and send their coordinates to the helicopter’s weapons system. The pilot/crewman in charge would then simply decide which targets to fire upon. In the civilian world, MUM teams could be highly effective when it comes to search and rescue, police aerial searches, and humanitarian relief efforts. In fact, any mission in which wide-area, time-sensitive aerial surveillance is required is a natural for MUM-T -- especially if the drones are either autonomous or flown from the ground, leaving pilot(s) to focus on actionable intelligence gathered by them. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryCompany Profiles



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After listening to Erickson Incorporated’s Vice President and General Manager Hayden Olson for an hour, one is not sure whether he just concluded an executive interview or finished a life coaching session. The momentary confusion is resolved upon reflection that Olson views all facets of his life as interconnected by his faith and calling to coach others. Thus, he can approach family life as building a high performing team as he similarly does on the job at Erickson where his team building is based on interpersonal relationships and caring. Away from family and work, he’s either coaching personal growth and fitness at the non-profit he founded, or he’s being coached by his “Core Four” board of mentoring friends to which he holds himself accountable for personal and professional growth. The interview all comes together when one realizes that Olson is not only an executive at one of the leading global rotorcraft manufacturing and aviation service providers of utility aircraft, but he’s also a determined, uplifting coach who expects himself and his teams to consistently perform. Olson is Nick Saban in a Fred Rogers’ cardigan. Actually, he’s more likely to wear athletic gear and a T-shirt; which is how he inauspiciously started his business career. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryHuman Interest


Emerald Pacific Dives Into Major Taiwan Contract to Improve EMS Flights

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Taiwan is taking a major dive into improved emergency health care access for its outer-island residents with state-of-the-art Leonardo AW169 multi-purpose helicopters, and Emerald Pacific Airlines is the biggest partner in that effort. It's a huge dive for Emerald Pacific as well, since it has transitioned from a company that focused on electrical grid maintenance using Bell 206 helicopters to one that focuses on ferrying critically ill patients in larger and more powerful AW169s that cost 10 times more. "The transition from the B206 to the AW169 is a very big job," related James Lee, chairman of the board at Emerald Pacific, aka EPAIR Taiwan. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles

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