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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Training


Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality Are Changing How Pilots Are Trained

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There’s a revolution taking place in pilot training, thanks to VR (virtual reality) and AR (augmented reality; also known as mixed reality or MR). Both offer computer-assisted ways to make pilot training safer both on the ground and in flight. In doing so, these technologies make it possible for student pilots to gain relevant skills before they ever go aloft, and to receive training assistance once they are in the cockpit and flying for the very first time. “Virtual reality or VR replaces the real world with a virtual world,” said Martin Keil, CTO at Reiser Simulation and Training, a German manufacturer of Level D full flight simulators that has added VR to its training portfolio. “augmented reality (AR) combines the virtual world with real world elements, offering the possibility of creating new, highly immersive training environments.” A Quick Tech Primer Here’s the rule of thumb for VR versus AR training. VR training is usually done on the ground with the student wearing ‘VR goggles’ (aka headsets) that encase their eyes and cut off the outside world. To convey realistic moving images to the wearer, “VR goggles contain a light LED screen and two lenses that distort the image so that it appears to be in three dimensions,” said Nacho Navacerrada, sales director at the flight simulation company Entrol. “The sensors located in the VR goggles track the position of the user’s head to coordinate what is being projected, providing the illusion of being immersed in another world.” In contrast, “AR headsets superimpose computer-generated imagery onto the real world,” Navacerrada said. “For example, pilots can see a procedural flow superimposed on the cockpit’s control surfaces.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Sectors


Flight Training in Today’s Simulated World Where Should the Regulators Fit?

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As the quality and cost of flight simulation decreases, the regulatory limitations on its use within the flight training industry remain stagnant. Looking much like it did decades ago, the credits offered on the use of simulation provide very little in the way of aeronautical decision-making (ADM) and focus on simulation versus flight-hour credits on limited aircraft-based maneuvers. Does this maneuver, credit-based simulation model truly capture the capabilities of the flight training simulation available today? Many years ago, we acquired an FAA-approved flight training device (FTD) for use in our flight school. The acquisition model at the time was purely based upon the hours of flight training credit the FTD would provide back to the customer. Approved maneuvers were inclusive of both VFR and IFR training, however, the IFR training credits far outweighed those of VFR maneuvers. The ability to offset 20 hours of instrument flight training into the FTD was a tremendous savings to the customer, and the training quality was quite good. My curiosity, though, caused me to seek out additional areas of training where the FTD would thrive, even if no FAA training credit was available. Our staff developed scenarios to include cross-country dual and solo flights, teaching our tour pilots routes and airspace checkpoints, as well as simple local area orientation flights to new pilots and instructor staff. Although we found success in these training events, the real benefit was found during flight instructor training. [Read More...]

Tags: Flight Training Devices FTD Flight Training Simulation Helicopter Flight Training
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryTraining


Technology or Training: What’s making us safer?

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I recall that when I was an emergency medical services pilot back in the 90s, I wrote many times that it was my belief that training was the key to reducing the high accident rate in EMS. Although I flew an S-76 with an autopilot and glass cockpit, technology was not as prevalent for light-single helicopters. For the most part back then, we received our initial part 135 training, then our annual recurrent training (which was pretty light) only once per year. For most operators, training involved shooting an instrument approach and performing an unusual attitude recovery under a view limiting device (foggles) during VMC conditions. Given the lack of technology, as compared to today, it’s difficult to fault the operators. I always used to say that if the operators could not train themselves to be safer, they would eventually be regulated and “technologied” into safety. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Technology Helicopter Training Rotor Pro Editor's Letter
Categories: categoryRegulatory categoryTraining categoryOpinion-Editorial


Flight Training Devices Prepare Pilots Better

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Technology That Gives You Edge Technology is increasingly being recognized as a lifesaving resource in the world of helicopter flight training. With rising accessibility to advanced training equipment, pilots can safely and more consistently confront and practice real-life scenarios in ways not achievable before. Adding Flight Simulator Training Devices (FSTDs) to a training regimen particularly opens the door to the exposure and practice of emergency procedures – conditions often too risky to experience through in-aircraft training. So, not only is greater proficiency achieved on the fundamental level, enhanced threat awareness instills pilots with a bolder confidence and edge to take to the cockpit. [Read More...]

Tags: Frasca Flight Simulation FTDs Level 1-3
Categories: categoryTraining


Swedish National Police - Flying Over the Land of the Midnight Sun

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Sweden is a gem among Europe’s nations and its the largest amongst the Scandinavian ones. It is a country with unique Nordic charm, an incredible archipelago made up of over 24,000 islands and a land with more than 100,000 lakes. Sweden is a unique blend of tradition and progress. Known for its high standard of living and its developed economy, it also has a strong commitment to social welfare, democracy, environmental sustainability, and nature preservation. However, do not let the progressiveness of this culture fool you. They live by a special philosophy named Lagom. Translated that means “moderate”—not too little, not too much; just the right amount. Since the days of the Vikings this philosophy has existed. However, the Vikings of old have been replaced by today’s modern heroes – the pilots of the Swedish National Police (SNP) Air Support Unit. They are the team of expert pilots who keep Sweden a safe and wonderful place to live. [Read More...]

Tags: Patria Helicopters AB Polisflyget SNP Air Unit SNP fleet Bell 429 Swedish National Police Aviation Unit
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHuman Interest categorySafety categoryTraining


Maintenance Minute - Airworthy

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He walked into my office as a confident 22-year-old with the ink still wet on his newly issued Airframe & Powerplant certificate that he proudly carried in his pocket. The young man looked at me and said, “I want to be a helicopter mechanic”. After a brief discussion, his enthusiasm and seemingly sense of life’s direction convinced me to take a chance on him. I placed him under the supervision of a 38-year master helicopter mechanic. My instruction to the young man was “learn from him.” [Read More...]

Tags: A&P mechanic Helicopter A&P Mechanic Helicopter Maintenance Training
Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


FlightSafety - Helicopter Training Made the Difference

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FlightSafety International trains pilots for anything, but the truest test of its efficacy is in the cockpit. In one helicopter pilot’s case, that training is the reason he believes he and his crew survived a dangerous situation. Sgt. David Sizemore had seen a lot in his more than 13,000 flight hours. But during a December 2020 flight in his Ohio State Highway Patrol helicopter, he faced the biggest challenge as a pilot. Encountering inadvertent instrument meteorological conditions (IIMC) – occurring suddenly after a successful mission assisting law enforcement – required Sizemore to react quickly to the emergency situation. His immediate actions would make the difference in he and his crewmember returning home safely. [Read More...]

Tags: flightsafety Simulator Instructor Simulator Training
Categories: categorySafety categoryTraining


Choose Simulator Training for Better Performance

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Skilled helicopter pilots know there’s no substitute for effective flight training. For the most impactful training, there’s only one decision that makes the most sense for its effectiveness, indirect costs and range of training, and that’s simulator training at FlightSafety International. Fixed-wing pilots and the airlines have used simulator training to their advantage for years. While helicopter pilots have had the tools available to them, there has recently been a culture shift to simulator training over training in the aircraft, and for good reasons. [Read More...]

Tags: flight training devices FlightSafety Level D Simulator FTD Helicopter Simulator Training Simulator Training
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryTraining categorySafety


FlightSafety Helicopter Training Kicks In, Saves Lives

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FlightSafety International’s name and reputation in aviation training has been built over seven decades. But the truest test of that value comes when pilots are facing split-second decisions, and their training takes over. In one pilot’s case, FlightSafety training and how it prepared him for anything, are the reasons he believed he and his crew survived a dangerous situation. Sgt. David Sizemore had seen a lot in his more than 13,000 flight hours. But during a December 2020 flight in his Ohio State Highway Patrol helicopter, he faced the biggest challenge as a pilot. [Read More...]

Tags: FlightSafety International Reality-Based Simulator Training
Categories: categoryTraining categoryCompany Profiles


Helicopter Communications Keep Pace with Technology

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According to the historical website marconiheritage.org, the world’s first air-to-ground wireless communications occurred on 27th August 1910 when Canadian aviation pioneer John Alexander Douglas McCurdy transmitted a Morse code message to Henry M. Horton, as McCurdy flew over the Sheepshead Bay race track in Brooklyn. The first voice communications between an aircraft and the ground took place in 1915, when the Royal Flying Corps’ Captain C.E. Prince radioed Captain J.M. Furnival as he circled overhead. 'Hello Furnie. If you can hear me now it will be the first time speech has ever been communicated to an aeroplane in flight,” said Captain Prince. He then added, “Hello Furnie, if you can hear me dip your wings” -- and Captain Furnival waggled his wings in response. [Read More...]

Tags: aircraft communication systems Flightcell Internationa land mobile radios P25 ground comms Sikorsky R-4 helicopter
Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors categorySafety categoryTraining

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