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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Training


Perils of Airborne Law Enforcement Winter Operations

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For those law enforcement agencies that operate in cold weather environments, winter adds dangers we must consider before launching. Winter brings a combination of high moisture content and cold temperatures that pose a threat of engine, airframe, and blade icing. During day and night operations, snow and ice become significant threats in many ways. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety categoryHelicopter Sectors


Funding Flight Training Education

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In November of 2008, a helicopter flight training school in Broomfield, Colorado, received their part 141 Certification, a designation earned through the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).The process of writing a standardized curriculum, training the Certified Flight Instructors (CFIs), and upgrading classroom facilities was rigorous, but the owners and instructors at this school were convinced that the benefits they would receive through certification would far out-weigh the heavy workload necessary to get there.They anticipated that their students would qualify for career training loans at a variety of banks and lending institutions, that the State of Colorado would allow access to training grants and loans available, and that ultimately federal grants and loans would be available to students who qualify through the Higher Education Act (HEA) of 1956. It didn’t take long for those beliefs to be shattered. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryBecoming A Pilot categoryTraining


The Life of a Test Pilot

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The Life of a Test Pilot by SHAWN COYLE Test Pilot Background The first thing that has to be made clear is that Test Pilot refers to Research and Development, Certification or Engineering flight testing. The US Army has a course they call the Test Pilot course, but it should be more properly called the 'Post Maintenance Check Pilot (PMCF) course. The two are completely different. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryBecoming A Pilot categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Sectors


Otto Rowe-Tate's Excellent Aeronautical Library

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Otto Rowe-Tate's Excellent Aeronautical Library by Otto Rowe-Tate From time to time questions are posted in the forum here at Just Helicopters that deal with aerodynamics, performance, or some other technical aspect of helicopters. While I enjoy answering them, as I am sure others do as well, we sometimes end up spoon feeding our youth – something which I have been chided for, and perhaps rightly so at times. Simply admonishing someone to look something up for themselves can, however, be useless advice. While there are plenty of sources of information out there, people just entering into aviation (and some who have been at it a while) may not be aware of them. With that in mind, I have compiled a list of books and internet sites that both beginning and experienced pilots will find helpful. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining


A CFI's Checkride Experience

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By Paul Huston - A story written by a female heli pilot when she received her CFI license. I am a certified flight instructor! Believe me it feels fabulous! The ground started at about 9:00am. There were lots of questions about endorsements, training techniques and some really tough aerodynamics. I had a moment of panic when my brain checked out for a few minutes and I misinterpreted an airspace requirement. I took a minute to collect my thoughts and then told the examiner that I had answered the question completely wrong. He agreed wholeheartedly, which didn't make me feel much better but the brain kicked on again and I had the correct answer. Then after about two and a half hours of oral questioning I presented a ground lesson to five other students. Two of the students were fixed wing students so they asked great questions ... [Read More...]

Categories: categoryBecoming A Pilot categoryTraining

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