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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for tag Helicopter Training


Technology or Training: What’s making us safer?

Posted by Admin

I recall that when I was an emergency medical services pilot back in the 90s, I wrote many times that it was my belief that training was the key to reducing the high accident rate in EMS. Although I flew an S-76 with an autopilot and glass cockpit, technology was not as prevalent for light-single helicopters. For the most part back then, we received our initial part 135 training, then our annual recurrent training (which was pretty light) only once per year. For most operators, training involved shooting an instrument approach and performing an unusual attitude recovery under a view limiting device (foggles) during VMC conditions. Given the lack of technology, as compared to today, it’s difficult to fault the operators. I always used to say that if the operators could not train themselves to be safer, they would eventually be regulated and “technologied” into safety. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Technology Helicopter Training Rotor Pro Editor's Letter
Categories: categoryRegulatory categoryTraining categoryOpinion-Editorial


My Two Cents Worth - Find Common Ground

Posted by Admin

A key concept in the development of early relationships is finding common ground; elements within each of our lives where we share interest and experience. It is through these shared perspectives that we gain trust and confidence that our communications with each other have meaning and understanding. At times, identifying common ground can seem like an impossible task. As the vertical lift industry becomes more diverse, the people, aircraft, and even operating methodologies look very different; however, the importance of working together has never been more critical than it is today. [Read More...]

Tags: aircraft training Helicopter Training vertical lift industry
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryOpinion-Editorial


Training Safely

Posted by Admin

Helicopter pilot flight training can be hazardous for reasons I will highlight in this article. I’ve been a flight instructor in the military, a senior instructor for Bell Helicopter in Iran teaching pilots how to be instructor pilots, an instructor and a flight examiner for 13 years while working for the Royal Police Air Wing in the Sultanate of Oman, and a type-rating instructor and type-rating examiner in the Bell 412EP and Bell 212 while working for Abu Dhabi Aviation. While in Abu Dhabi, I trained and examined airline transport pilots hailing from more than 20 countries. In my 13,000-hour flying career, I have developed habits I use while training that I pass along to you to, hopefully, keep you safe. [Read More...]

Tags: aviation safety aviation training Helicopter Safety Helicopter Training my two cents worth randy mains Rotorcraft Pro
Categories: categorySafety


Editor's Letter - I Hate Every Minute Of Training

Posted by Admin

Helicopter training doesn’t necessarily give us the opportunity to live our life as a champion— but it can give us the opportunity to live the rest of our life.  I was thinking the other day of all the training that I have received during my 35 years of work life. I have really only had four chapters in my career. U.S. Marine, firefighter, helicopter pilot, and business owner. The first three have required extensive amounts of training. I cannot help but wonder how much of it I took for granted. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Training Rotorcraft Pro SepOct 2021 Issue
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryHuman Interest categoryOpinion-Editorial