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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Training


Maintenance Minute - Balance

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Balance is critical. It doesn’t matter if it’s the helicopters we fly and maintain, a person on a tightrope or just managing our everyday life. Maintaining balance is required if we are to continue to progress and minimize our limiting factors. We can take anything to the excess and quickly get out of balance. That’s why it is a good idea to have an accountability partner to help you see things that you may miss seeing yourself. The saying “you can’t see the forest for the trees” is accurate and sometimes briefly stepping away will clear one’s focus. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Maintenance Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryTraining


Pilot Report: Training at New U.S. Leonardo Training Academy

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In 2018 I attended the Leonardo Helicopters AW169 initial training course at the OEM’s training facility in Sesto Calende, Italy. Northern Italy in spring—what’s not to love? WATCH VIDEO OF MY 2018 AW169 TRAINING HERE: https://youtu.be/fwt_We3D4mY Although both my training and tourist experiences were amazing while I attended the Sesto Calende academy, it was a significant trek to attend a training course so far from home. With all the Leonardo Helicopters being flown in the Western Hemisphere, it seemed to me that there would be significant value in a U.S.-based training academy. Well, not long after that thought while at the academy in 2018, I was interviewing Paolo Petrosso, VP of Leonardo Helicopters Training-Italy when he pointed to the future by saying, “In the future we are certainly looking to expand our footprint around the globe. One of the key areas we are looking at is AW169 training in the U.S. We certainly need to provide simulation capabilities in the U.S. and North America, and that is something we are looking at right now.” [Read More...]

Tags: AW169 initial training AW169 recurrent training Leonardo Customer Support and Training (CS&T) Leonardo Helicopters
Categories: categoryTraining


Bridging the Gap: The Power of Mentorship

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No matter what data set or latest editorial piece you refer to, the one common theme we see reminds us that the professional pilot is in high demand in today’s aviation market. The sculpting of a professional pilot has a myriad of challenges, both for the pilot in development and the educators that pave the way. Coupled with the fact that pilots “don't know what they don’t know” until they are introduced to a specific concept or technique (hopefully correctly), and the mere fact that helicopter operations are frequently operating in environments with numerous unknowns, having a properly equipped pilot with the necessary skill sets is apropos for success.  [Read More...]

Tags: First Officers Pilot Mentoring Pilot Training
Categories: categoryTraining categoryOpinion-Editorial


Simulation Technology Advances Enhance Reasons to Use Helicopter Simulation Training

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All over the world, helicopter flight training is at the heart of every facet of helicopter operations. Whether training a new hire, or providing recurrent training to seasoned pilots, the quality and quantity of training can have an impact on areas like accident rates, safety in operations, and direct operating costs. As is in most industries, technology is advancing rapidly and making simulation training more realistic and cost effective. It used to be that only larger helicopters like the Sikorsky S76, Bell 412, or Airbus Super Puma would have simulators available for clients to train in. Now even light twins such as Airbus H135 and single engine helicopters such as Bell 505, Airbus H125 and Robinson R44 have simulators available for training. [Read More...]

Tags: Entrol flight simulation flight simulators FlightSafety International FRASCA Helicopter Simulator Advance HeliSim Rotorsim
Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


Evidence Based Training

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Have you heard the term “evidence based training” (EBT)?  It’s sometimes referred to as “competency based training.”  EBT is a relatively new approach to flight training developed in 2013 on behalf of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) that was led by a group of airline industry experts to increase the effectiveness of pilot training to meet the challenges of airline operations in the 21st century. If the past is any indication of the future, I think we will hear more about EBT in our industry.  [Read More...]

Tags: Competency-Based Education in Aviation Evidence Based Training International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryTraining categorySafety


Frasca builds on old school style to craft high-tech simulators

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Frasca International occupies a unique and storied position in the flight training device world, thanks to founder Rudy Frasca and his involvement in the early stages of building FTDs back in the 1950s. Now five of his eight children continue to carry the torch and keep the company ranked as one of the top simulator OEMs in the world. Frasca president/CEO John Frasca and his siblings were raised in the world of aircraft. Their late father Rudy was as passionate about piloting aircraft as he was about building flight simulators to help make aircraft safer.  Now with 62 years of experience, Frasca International is the only major family-owned flight simulator company. It employs more than 130 people, and about 3,000 of its sims are being used across more than 70 countries. [Read More...]

Tags: Aviation Training Devices (Basic or Advanced). FAA levels of Full Flight Simulators (FFSs) flight simulation flight simulators flight training devices FRASCA FTDs Level 1-3
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


Car lot conflagration: A unique fire with many lessons learned

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There are wildfires in the woods, and then there are crazy-strange wildfires such as a recent one in Florida that was fueled by hundreds of cars. When you battle that kind of conflagration, you’re bound to learn a few new lessons. We certainly did. [Read More...]

Tags: Car lot aerial fire Charlotte County Aviation Unit
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHuman Interest categoryTraining


Today’s Law Enforcement Helicopter Trends

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CWO Shane Engelauf knows what Romano is talking about. Engelauf is chief pilot with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) Air Support Unit in Punta Gorda, Florida. Thanks to resource sharing among the agencies within his jurisdiction, Engelauf’s missions have expanded beyond police work to encompass firefighting, rescue, air ambulance, and even mosquito spraying on behalf of Charlotte County.  [Read More...]

Tags: Aviation Law Enforcement Helicopter Avionics Advances Helicopter Multiple Role Primary Flight Display Unmanned Aerial Aircraft Unmanned Helicopters
Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryTraining


Know Your Aircraft - My Two Cents Worth

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I gave a CRM class at a helicopter air medical flight program recently and something occurred that reminded me why it’s imperative that pilots know their aircraft. The incident happened when I was given a tour of the hospital’s aircraft by the program director and one of the pilots on duty who was a former Black Hawk pilot in the Army. The aircraft looked brand new and I could see it had everything a pilot could ask for to help them while flying in VMC or IMC conditions. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining


Maintenance Minute - All Torqued Up

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Ever get all torqued up reading a helicopter maintenance manual because you couldn’t remember the difference between a re-torque and a torque check? I did, until I had their definitions tattooed on my — well, that’s another story. In the meantime, let’s work out their definitions here. Because not understanding the difference between a “re-torque” and a “torque check” can lead to potentially disastrous consequences. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining

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