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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors


Training Safely

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Helicopter pilot flight training can be hazardous for reasons I will highlight in this article. I’ve been a flight instructor in the military, a senior instructor for Bell Helicopter in Iran teaching pilots how to be instructor pilots, an instructor and a flight examiner for 13 years while working for the Royal Police Air Wing in the Sultanate of Oman, and a type-rating instructor and type-rating examiner in the Bell 412EP and Bell 212 while working for Abu Dhabi Aviation. While in Abu Dhabi, I trained and examined airline transport pilots hailing from more than 20 countries. In my 13,000-hour flying career, I have developed habits I use while training that I pass along to you to, hopefully, keep you safe. [Read More...]

Tags: aviation safety aviation training Helicopter Safety Helicopter Training my two cents worth randy mains Rotorcraft Pro
Categories: categorySafety


2022 HAI Mil2Civ Highlights

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The Military to Civilian Transition Workshop at HAI’s Heli-Expo 2022 was a great success! The workshop was held on the first day of the world’s largest vertical aviation conference and trade show. [Read More...]

Tags: Military to Civilian Aviation Military to Civilian Helicopters Rotorcraft Pro
Categories: categoryCareer Development


Helicopter Operators Want Voluntary SMS, But Will It Be Enough?

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If anyone ever doubted that smaller helicopter operators want to deploy fully featured, voluntary Safety Management Systems (SMS) in their companies, that doubt was dispelled in 2021. This was when Helicopter Association International (HAI) surveyed its members and found that a significant number of them wanted access to turnkey SMS support programs designed for small helicopter operators. In response to this desire for comprehensive voluntary safety management, HAI sought bids from 14 SMS software providers to help the association launch an affordable, members-only turnkey solution called the HAI SMS Program. Although all 14 bids passed muster, three were so well suited to HAI members’ needs that the association chose them as HAI SMS providers. For the record, these SMS providers are Air Charter Safety Foundation, Baldwin Safety and Compliance, and WYVERN Ltd. [Read More...]

Tags: Air Charter Safety Foundation Baldwin Safety and Compliance Helicopter Safety Management Systems (SMS) WYVERN Ltd.
Categories: categorySafety


Meet a Rotorcraft Pro - James Baker, Rogue Aviation

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RPMN: What is your current position? I am an owner, chief pilot, and instructor at Rogue Aviation. We operate Robinson models R22 Beta II, R44 Raven II, and R66 for helicopter flight training, scenic tours, photo flights, and aerial cinematography. I also had the privilege of serving the Robinson Helicopter Company as one of their safety course instructor pilots. Like many in this industry, I wear many hats! [Read More...]

Tags: James Baker Rogue Aviation Meet A Rotorcraft Pro


Maintenance Minute - Zero Defects

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Growing up in the Deep South often meant when you turned 16 years old you went to work in the cotton mill, which was true for me. My mom, dad and sister all worked for the local cotton mill in one capacity or another. That wasn’t a bad thing. The mill provided dependable jobs for our community and had other benefits as well…company paid retirement and a company provided vacation destination with housing if desired. The one thing I remember as a great employee incentive was the Zero-Defect award. The ZD award was given to deserving employees who achieved an established criteria and maintained excellence. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Maintenance Maintenance Minute Mark Tyler


Airbus Helicopters Issues in a New Age

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Airbus Helicopters has operated for 30 years from Marignane, France. The company started as Eurocopter but was renamed to Airbus Helicopters in 2014. This spring, they’ve announced massive changes to new aircraft, customer support and training, and the integration of the newest technology in modern helicopters. Airbus Helicopters has its main assembly facilities in France and Germany and a worldwide presence with 31 customer centers and affiliated sites in locations such as Brazil, Australia, Spain, United States, Romania, and the United Kingdom. The North American Customer Support division has new leadership in Niko Szodruch for its 800 customers, operating from Grand Prairie, Texas. He came from the company’s global helicopter maintenance and retrofit business and is leading in development of a strategic service plan for North America. The H125 is the best-selling helicopter in the world and there are 30 produced each year from Columbus, Mississippi. The volume of helicopters sold varies year-over-year, but in 2021, they sold 419 units to both civilian and military markets. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Executive Watch - Marek Polcak CEO, Co-Founder of Vrgineers Inc.

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“Timing is everything,” says Marek Polcak, CEO and co-founder of the Czech Republic-based technology company that he hopes is timed to transform rotary- and fixed-wing aviation training. That company, Vrgineers Inc., has a unique spelling that reflects its unique combination of technology it is introducing to aviation. The first two letters are pronounced as individual letters: V-R-gineers. That captures what Polcak and his team do—they are virtual reality (VR) engineers creating realistic training scenarios in virtual- and mixed-reality systems that put civilian and military pilots into certain scenarios that allow the training of more tactics or missions than a normal simulator. [Read More...]

Tags: Marek Polcak Rotorcraft Pro Executive Watch Vrgineers Inc
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHuman Interest



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Foreword: Pilot shortages are real for several reasons Before we dig into the salary and benefits survey numbers, we wanted to paint a picture, even if only anecdotal, of what we believe are the forces currently impacting the supply of working helicopter pilots. It was around 2005 that articles and online communities began raising alarms about our aging Vietnam-era pilot population and a looming shortage. That era of helicopter pilots were considered the “baby-boomers” of helicopter pilots in that they represented nearly 50% of the working pilot force and most were in their late 50s and early 60s at the time. It was well known that the lion's share of that population would retire somewhere between 2010 and 2020. Questions began to arise about whether or not the traditional training institutions (civil schools and military) could produce the pilots as fast as they would be retiring when the time came. Now that most of those pilots have left the cockpit, and hindsight being 20/20, we now know the answer to that question is no. But it wasn’t only retiring pilots that contributed to the problem. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Pilot Salaries Pilot salary reports pilot salary survey US Helicopter Pilot Salary Report
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryOpinion-Editorial


Editor's Letter - Change is inevitable. Growth is optional

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The title of this editor’s letter is actually a quote from John C. Maxwell, a No. 1 New York Times bestselling author, pastor, coach and speaker who has sold more than 24 million books in 50 languages. The quote reminds me that there is unprecedented change happening in every corner of our industry. Carbon dioxide reduction, special aviation fuels, urban air mobility, e-vtol, personnel shortages, unmanned vertical flight, virtual-mixed reality in training, and the list goes on. The question for industry: Will this inevitable change be an opportunity for growth, or will many get left behind? [Read More...]

Tags: Rotorcraft Pro Editor Lyn Burks
Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryOpinion-Editorial


OEMs Take MRO to the Next Level with Digital Technology

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There will always be a place in maintenance repair & overhaul (MRO) services for wrench-turning mechanics using their grease-honed handiwork to keep helicopters flying. However, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) such as Airbus Helicopters, Leonardo Helicopter, Sikorsky (a Lockheed Martin company) and the Robinson Helicopter Company are harnessing the power of digital technology to bring their customers the very best in MRO services. Here are some of the advances that will improve MRO services that might be used by our readers in the year to come. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Technology
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors

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