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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors


Military to Civilian - A Ground Lesson by Scott Tinnesand

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A question that has been asked many times by transitioning military pilots is: What can I be reading, studying or learning right now to get me ahead of the game for my transition to civil or general aviation? Assuming you don’t have any prior experience as a civilian airman and you utilized the MilComp (military competency) method to get your certificates and ratings, the answer is easy – study those topics that fall in the cracks between military and general aviation training. What are some of those topics? They include airworthiness requirements, supplemental type certificates, airworthiness directives, minimum equipment lists, advisory circulars, endorsements, Part 119 and Part 135 operations, practical test standards, helipad markings and pilot logbooks—just to name a few! [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Military to Civilian Transition
Categories: categoryCareer Development


FlightSafety Helicopter Training Kicks In, Saves Lives

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FlightSafety International’s name and reputation in aviation training has been built over seven decades. But the truest test of that value comes when pilots are facing split-second decisions, and their training takes over. In one pilot’s case, FlightSafety training and how it prepared him for anything, are the reasons he believed he and his crew survived a dangerous situation. Sgt. David Sizemore had seen a lot in his more than 13,000 flight hours. But during a December 2020 flight in his Ohio State Highway Patrol helicopter, he faced the biggest challenge as a pilot. [Read More...]

Tags: FlightSafety International Reality-Based Simulator Training
Categories: categoryTraining categoryCompany Profiles


The Battle Between Helicopters and Bugs Inside Lee County Mosquito Control

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As a resident of this state for 42 years, I find it interesting that Florida is the second-most popular tourist state in the country despite the fact that we’re home to hurricanes, sharks, alligators, rattlesnakes, scorpions, bats, fire ants—and mosquitoes. And we’re not talking about just any little mosquito. Florida mosquitoes are so huge they have N-numbers and get issued squawk codes by air traffic control! However, most of those who live here just shrug it off and say that it’s the price we pay to live in paradise – that is, until you cannot even walk your dog or sit on your deck without being carried away by the blood-sucking pests. Fear not: many organizations across the state are using both science and aircraft to reduce the impact of mosquito misery on the people. Once such organization is the Lee County Mosquito Control District (LCMCD), which is the largest mosquito control agency in the country. [Read More...]

Tags: Lee County Mosquito Control Aviation Unit


Meet a Rotor Pro - Matt Johnson, Metro Aviation

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RPMN: What is your current position? I am a single-pilot IFR HAA Line Pilot, Part 135 check airman, instructor, and FOQA gatekeeper for Metro Aviation, and a designated pilot examiner (DPE) for the FAA. I also remain active as a sworn law enforcement (LE) officer flying on a part-time basis for a sheriff's office. [Read More...]

Tags: Matt Johnson Metro Aviation Meet A Rotor Pro
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHuman Interest


No Safe Harbor - Transnet Aviation’s Marine Pilot Transfer in South Africa

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Large swells, high winds, tight vessel schedules that can change frequently during a single day and a narrow harbor entrance with various sand banks, makes Durban Harbour a challenging environment for any ship pilot to navigate. To assist the vessel pilots trying to enter or leave the harbor, Transnet Aviation transports skilled ship pilots with an intimate knowledge of the harbor to pilot the vessels. South Africa was one of the first countries in the world to utilize a helicopter for marine pilot transfer, launching the Helicopter Marine Pilot Transfer (HMPT) concept in 1995. HMPT operations are a high risk, hostile, and dynamic operating environment requiring exceptional flying skills and precision hoisting as well as efficient and flawless maintenance. It takes years of training to achieve the highest levels of proficiency in safety and efficiency. There are only a handful of qualified offshore helicopter pilots, experienced helicopter hoist operators and licensed aircraft maintenance engineers who have flown and worked on the marine pilot service, and who meet the stringent minimum requirements. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Hoist Operations Helicopter Marine PIlot Transfer HMPT Transnet Aviation
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Executive Watch - Mark Schlaefli, President and Owner of Dakota Rotors LLC

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“It’s not fake it until you make it , but keep working until you obtain it,” says the entrepreneur pilot who accelerated through the pilot ranks into management faster than a V-22 Osprey and decided that wasn’t enough. So, he bought four helicopter tour operations that fly from Montana to Mount Rushmore. That wasn’t enough. So, he’s starting up a fifth utility operation to balance his tourist-heavy holdings. Yet, if you’re expecting to meet some hard-charging, win-at-all-costs egomaniac, you’re in for a pleasant surprise and time. Here, let’s introduce you to Mark Schlaefli president and owner of Dakota Rotors LLC, and (deep breath now): Black Hills Aerial Adventures, Rushmore Helicopters, Badger Helicopters (DBA Badlands Helicopters) and Yellowstone Helicopters. Coming this fall is the addition of a Part 133 and Part 137 certificate to Dakota Rotors to enhance their ability to deliver a full spectrum of services throughout the Midwest and Mountain West. [Read More...]

Tags: Black Hills Aerial Adventures Dakota Rotors Helicopter tour Operations
Categories: categoryHuman Interest categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles


The Eagles of Chamonix Mont-Blanc Hélicoptères

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The Mont-Blanc massif is a majestic range of mountains shared between France, Italy and Switzerland. Culminating at 4,808 meters above sea level, the Mont-Blanc summit is the highest of Western Europe. It’s a true paradise for mountain lovers as it shows them different climates throughout the year, which makes it a place to visit for all seasons. Mountains create challenges, such as the altitude, the lack of oxygen, the changing weather, the different surfaces (snow, ice, rocks) and limited accessibility. At the top of some summits, you can find huts for hikers, ski lifts. All these facilities need regular maintenance. The only sustainable way to access them easily and quickly is to use helicopters. Fortunately, Chamonix Mont-Blanc Hélicoptères (CMBH) is strategically located at the bottom of Glacier of Argentière near Chamonix in Haute-Savoie, France. It was founded in 1992 by pilot and CEO Pascal Brun, who is known by the local community as the pilot with more than 30,000 flight hours. [Read More...]

Tags: Chamonix Mont Blanc Helicopters High Altitude Flying Utililty and Rescue Helicopters
Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Editor's Letter - Change is in the Air

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“The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” - Socrates As you might have seen in my July-August 2022 editor’s letter, we changed our brand from Rotorcraft Pro to Rotor Pro. The word “Rotorcraft” in our old brand served us well for more than a decade, but the industry is rapidly changing and it’s too narrow a focus when considering aircraft advances such as powered-lift, eVTOL, unmanned, and advanced air mobility. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Industry Helicopter Pilots Helicopters and eVTOL Rotor Pro
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial


Helicopter Communications Keep Pace with Technology

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According to the historical website marconiheritage.org, the world’s first air-to-ground wireless communications occurred on 27th August 1910 when Canadian aviation pioneer John Alexander Douglas McCurdy transmitted a Morse code message to Henry M. Horton, as McCurdy flew over the Sheepshead Bay race track in Brooklyn. The first voice communications between an aircraft and the ground took place in 1915, when the Royal Flying Corps’ Captain C.E. Prince radioed Captain J.M. Furnival as he circled overhead. 'Hello Furnie. If you can hear me now it will be the first time speech has ever been communicated to an aeroplane in flight,” said Captain Prince. He then added, “Hello Furnie, if you can hear me dip your wings” -- and Captain Furnival waggled his wings in response. [Read More...]

Tags: aircraft communication systems Flightcell Internationa land mobile radios P25 ground comms Sikorsky R-4 helicopter
Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors categorySafety categoryTraining


Military to Civilian - Know These Valuable Resources By Heidi McBride

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Combatting the pilot and mechanic shortage is on the forefront of the agenda for most helicopter companies today. Finding a solution to this shortage, with qualified candidates, seems to be evading even the most prestigious helicopter companies. [Read More...]

Tags: active duty military members intern program DOD SkillBridge program Military to Civilian Aviation
Categories: categoryCareer Development

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