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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors


Robinson Helicopter Market Update – New Helicopter Demand Returning

Posted by Admin

Three years ago, I wrote an article entitled “The State of the Used Robinson Helicopter Market.” At that time, the factory was laying off workers and holding a huge inventory of cancelled orders, and the used market was severely depressed. Anyone who has lived through a recession knows that the economy is cyclical. However, at that time, it was very difficult to see the light at the end of the tunnel. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors


Let's Talk People

Posted by Admin

As many of you know, I am passionate about safety and unreasonable regulatory and political initiatives, but I thought it might be nice to discuss my other passion — the people that make up this great industry of ours. Besides, if I think about regulations, legislation, politics, and life inside the Beltway too much, my head hurts, my stomach aches, and my brain turns to mush. [Read More...]


A Squirrel, a Moose, and Loss of Control in Helicopter Accidents

Posted by Admin

A Squirrel, a Moose, and Loss of Control in Helicopter AccidentsBy Lee Roskop (IHST team [Read More...]

Categories: categorySafety


Primary Flight Training Market Redefined

Posted by Admin

Super Bowl Sunday, 2008. A day that will go down in infamy. Not so much because the NY Giants beat the New England Patriots 17 - 14. That was a well deserved end to a great season. However, for those who remember, it was during that football game when the owner of the largest helicopter school in the world sent an email to everyone in the organization indicating that Silver State Helicopters was officially shut down. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Eurocopter’s revolutionary X3 helicopter begins its U.S. tour in Texas

Posted by Admin

Eurocopter recently began the U.S. tour of its X3 high-speed hybrid helicopter, which will demonstrate the unique operational capabilities of this advanced transportation system during a month of visits to military facilities and hub locations for civil helicopter operators. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryHelicopter Event Coverage


TAKE ACTION - Pending Congressional Action Threatens Your Access to Airspace

Posted by Admin

The President of HAI(Helicopter Association International), Matt Zuccaro, is calling on industry to take action on an aviation provision that has snuck its way into a highway funding bill (S.1813) currently being negotiated by members of the House of Representatives and Senate that threatens both access to airspace and air safety. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRegulatory


The M Word - effective helicopter maintenance management

Posted by Admin

Mention maintenance and helicopter in the same sentence and you get another “M” word - more money. Well okay, make that two “M” words. However, complying with your maintenance requirements doesn’t have to mean writing a blank check and hoping for the best. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors


Georgia State Patrol - Article and Video

Posted by Admin

There are hundreds of law enforcement helicopters operating in the US today and most fly traditional law enforcement missions. Naturally, you might be thinking, what is a traditional mission? Some might think it’s to take off from a dolly, fly little circles, patrol a highway, and then land back on the dolly. Well, in a general sense, if you throw in some pretty cool technology like.......... [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


It Takes a Village to Stop the Accidents

Posted by Admin

Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) provide life-saving transports for the critically ill or injured. However, the rising number of U.S. HEMS accidents over the past decade is cause for serious questions as to their operational safety. For this reason a national effort is underway to reduce HEMS accidents. [Read More...]

Categories: categorySafety


I am an Addict - Staying Connected in the Air

Posted by Admin

Hi my name is Lyn and I’m an addict. There I said it, I’m an addict. This semi-freeing confession elevates me beyond the stage of denial. Perhaps it’s the first step of many towards curing me of my addiction. Before you judge me, I’m betting that most of you share my addiction as well. I admit that I love my smart devices. My Droid Razr phone. My iPad2. They are always near. Always keeping me connected to everything I enjoy. My business. My family. My music, photos, books, magazines……..everything. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categorySpecial Announcements

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