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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors


Georgia State Patrol - Article and Video

Posted by Admin

There are hundreds of law enforcement helicopters operating in the US today and most fly traditional law enforcement missions. Naturally, you might be thinking, what is a traditional mission? Some might think it’s to take off from a dolly, fly little circles, patrol a highway, and then land back on the dolly. Well, in a general sense, if you throw in some pretty cool technology like.......... [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


It Takes a Village to Stop the Accidents

Posted by Admin

Helicopter emergency medical services (HEMS) provide life-saving transports for the critically ill or injured. However, the rising number of U.S. HEMS accidents over the past decade is cause for serious questions as to their operational safety. For this reason a national effort is underway to reduce HEMS accidents. [Read More...]

Categories: categorySafety


I am an Addict - Staying Connected in the Air

Posted by Admin

Hi my name is Lyn and I’m an addict. There I said it, I’m an addict. This semi-freeing confession elevates me beyond the stage of denial. Perhaps it’s the first step of many towards curing me of my addiction. Before you judge me, I’m betting that most of you share my addiction as well. I admit that I love my smart devices. My Droid Razr phone. My iPad2. They are always near. Always keeping me connected to everything I enjoy. My business. My family. My music, photos, books, magazines……..everything. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categorySpecial Announcements


Apps and Ops

Posted by Admin

From managers to maintainers to pilots to crewmembers, tablets and smartphones are rapidly working their way into the hands of the helicopter industry. Although the devices themselves are cool, it’s the even cooler apps designed for them that make us carry our mobile devices with us everywhere we go……including the cockpit. [Read More...]


We Get No Respect

Posted by Admin

Assaults on our industry have become interwoven into the very fabric that constitutes our daily activities. Don’t get me wrong, I welcome discussions on relevant issues such as safety and noise issues, and appreciate the opportunity to improve in these areas. [Read More...]


The National Wildland Firefighter Foundation: Where Compassion Spreads like Wildfire

Posted by Admin

Since 1999, the WFF has provided emergency support services, including financial assistance and immediate and ongoing emotional support, to over 150 families of firefighters seriously injured or killed in the line of duty. The WFF recognizes pilots and other aviation crews as wildland firefighters when they are involved with fire suppression and management duties. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryHuman Interest categorySpecial Announcements


Aerial Firefighting Technology – Why Shutdown at Sundown?

Posted by Admin

Night Vision Goggles may conjure up thoughts of elite Special Forces units going into battle in the dead of night, but they also have found a use in nighttime helicopter operations. A number of fire departments and agencies have employed these devices to allow them to attack wildfires at night and to perform difficult night rescues that would be foolhardy otherwise. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors


Old Friends

Posted by Admin

As a measure of something’s quality or worth you could safely use longevity as a yardstick. I am lucky to own and fly a Robinson R-22 that has an early serial number. N9015V was the 11th R-22 to roll off the assembly line in Torrance, California on January 19, 1980. What makes this fact special to me is that I had been hired by Frank Robinson in 1979 to work for him as a mechanic. I was fresh out of A&P school and as green a helicopter mechanic as a Wenatchee apple. Frank had me assigned to work with Dave Akamine who was one of the first mechanics at Robinson Helicopter Company. Dave would try to keep me out of trouble. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryHuman Interest categorySpecial Announcements


Fire Academy Brings Together Regional Helicopter Community with Unique Training Program

Posted by Admin

Fire Academy Brings Together Regional Helicopter Community with Unique Training Program By Lyn Burks It’s no secret that certain parts of the Midwest U.S. are a hotbed of helicopter activity, and Ohio is no exception. This is especially true when it comes to sectors like EMS, Law Enforcement, and Electronic News Gathering (ENG), where a variety of helicopters, from a variety of operators are literally operating in the back yards of the communities they serve. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Event Coverage


Tips for a Successful Military to Civilian Transition

Posted by Admin

When I left the military in pursuit of my first civilian flying job, I assumed Part 135 was a common component on several different Bell 206 models. My first helicopter job was with a small company that had difficulty making payroll and cut corners on maintenance and training. My priority after this experience was to seek out a large and stable company that adhered to the regulations and preferably had direct deposit. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development

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