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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors


Aircraft Registration Requirements Revamped

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By Hunter Old - Once upon a time, you bought and registered an aircraft and it was registered for good as long as you continued to operate it. However, the days of a permanent registration for all aircraft are gone, causing a new headache for corporate flight departments everywhere. Under new FAA rules that took effect last fall, for all aircraft (including helicopters) that were registered before October 1, 2010, the registration expires according a table of rolling dates based on the month the current registration was issued. For example, if your current aircraft registration was issued between March and July of any year, its registration expires some time in 2011. Once re-registered, each aircraft registration then will have to be renewed every three years. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRegulatory


2011 HELI-EXPO Fly In - Going Backstage

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Article, Photos & Video By Lyn Burks After landing on the big white H, we surface taxi the giant Aircrane, also nicknamed Goliath, across the parking lot of the Orange County Convention Center. Just before the Erickson Aircrane ground marshalling guy puts his arms in the shape of a big X telling us to stop, the pilot not flying asks the pilot if he see’s the little tree on the right side to which he get’s an “affirmative” reply. As the parking brake and nose wheel locks are applied, Randy Erwin, Captain of the Goliath cracks the intercom and says, “not bad for a couple of old farts eh?” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHelicopter Event Coverage


Waiting in the Wings - Qualified Pilot Internship Pipeline

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By Barry Pomeroy - The answer to the shortage of qualified helicopter pilots and the ‘gray area’ for certified low time commercial helicopter pilots are; Interns - voluntary second pilots in VFR/SPIFR commercial and HEMS operations. I am Barry Pomeroy, I am a low time Commercial pilot with an existing career, and I am writing this as the result of a failure matrix analysis after observing and participating in the industry for approximately six years. I attend, listen, and read everything I can get my hands on from the helicopter world. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development


Rumblings from Independence Avenue: Trouble Ahead for HEMS?

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By Bill Winn - The sound of thunder on the near horizon can herald hope or fear, depending on whether you are a drought-stricken farmer or a Golden Retriever with a serious phobia of both the boom and flash of lightening. My dog Max literally climbs into bed between me and Joyce during every thunderstorm, and lies there shivering uncontrollably until the storm has passed. It's like having one of those vibrating beds you find in cheap motels. [Read More...]

Categories: categorySafety categoryRegulatory


Yulista Aviation - First Impressions Count Big

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By Ron Whitney - Madison County Executive (MDQ) airport is not an unfamiliar destination for me. Located a little over 17 nm to the northeast of Huntsville International (HSV) Airport, this uncontrolled general aviation airport was a frequent refueling stop while I was in the EMS business. The one thing I always loved about MDQ was that the line guys were always waiting on me, regardless of the time, or the weather. Even if I was only buying thirty gallons of Jet A, they treated us as if it were five thousand. The service here is simply the best I’ve seen in thirty years of flying. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


FAA Broadens Requirements for CRM

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After analyzing data on accidents within commercial aviation over a 10-year period, the Federal Aviation Administration published a new rule in January of this year that requires all Part 135 operators employing more than one pilot to install Crew Resource Management training. The final rule gives commercial operators until March 22, 2013 to establish CRM programs for both initial and recurrent training, and to have those programs approved. After that period, certificate holders conducting Part 135 operations will be prohibited from using a crewmember unless that person has completed the certificate holder’s initial CRM training. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRegulatory



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Night flight usage and technology have grown exponentially in the past few years and the dilemma from FAA mandate to have a minimum of 2 crewmembers for NVG flight operations below 300’ AGL has evolved as well. There are two general sides taken in this discussion. The first is the belief that NVG operations can be conducted safely with only the pilot using NVGs, while others believe that NVG flight operations below 300’ AGL is a multi-crew task. Each side of the discussion believes the alternative to be undesirable. In this article, we will take an objective look at this issue. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


Watch Video Blasts from HELI EXPO

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WATCH VIDEOBLASTSFROMHELIEXPO 2011 Didn't get to attend Heli Expo 2011? No problem...... Rotorcraft Pro Media Network & Justhelicopters.TV will give you an inside look at some of the show highlights and products via the web. Video blasts from Heli Expo in Houston, TX will be posted during the days following the event, so stay tuned! Click Here to Watch Videos! [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHelicopter Event Coverage


Training helicopters benefit Government of Iraq

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Story by: Spc. Amie J. McMillan BAGHDAD –The recent arrival of three Bell T-407 training helicopters at Camp Taji will help to train qualified Iraqi Army pilots to operate and maintain the helicopters, as well as, rapidly accelerate the fielding and utilization of Iraqi Armed 407 Armed Scout Helicopters which are scheduled to be fielded by the end of 2011. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryHuman Interest


Robinson’s R66 The Rest of the Story Part 3

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The sound of metal skid shoes scraping against runway asphalt is never pleasant. But today, there is nothing more fun than doing full down autos in Robinsons new R66. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles

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