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One of the buzzwords used on TV by the politicians and talking heads is the word “paradigm.” In fact, using the word in a sentence over a beer with buddies may cause their impression of your IQ to go up a couple points. We commonly hear the pundits say things like, “It’s the new paradigm” or “The paradigm has shifted.”
Looking closer at the word paradigm, we see it means “a pattern of something; a model.”
Paradigm Aerospace Corporation (PAC) has been in the helicopter business since 1976. Given their longstanding reputation as a “model” for quality, having the word paradigm as part of their name nearly four decades later almost seems prophetic.
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Company Profiles
Helicopter Sectors
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Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Dean Springer
RPMN: What is your current position?
Presently, I guess you would say I am semi-retired, meaning, I have retired from my first career as a Senior Special Agent and former Customs Service Pilot after 20 years. I no longer fly full-time, but fly relief or on-call by the day. This is usually one-to-three days a week as needed in a Bell 206BIII, King Air B100, or Beechcraft Baron.
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Human Interest
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Back in 2011, an interesting movie was released named Moneyball. The movie was based on the story of Oakland A’s general manager, Billy Beane. His former General Manager (GM), Sandy Alderson, mentored him in the art of sabermetrics (statistical analysis). In turn, Beane successfully assembled a lower-budget team based on emerging prospects and undervalued veterans that consistently performed. Most other Major League Baseball teams during this time were interested in high-priced superstars that may or may not have consistently produced. One theme I noticed throughout the movie was consistent, well placed singles beat a few home runs every time.
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Company Profiles
Helicopter Sectors
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Story by Rick WeatherfordPhotos by Aris HelicoptersIn the early 1950s, the Sikorsky S-55 made its
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Company Profiles
Helicopter Sectors
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It appears the Australians put a higher value on patient safety than our FAA, NTSB and even Congress. That’s a pretty strong statement, isn’t it? Let me tell you how I arrived at that conclusion.
When my article “The Power of CRM” appeared in the August 2013 issue of Rotorcraft Pro my wife, Kaye, and I were in Australia, flown there by the Aeromedical Society of Australasia so that I could deliver two keynote speeches at their 25th scientific meeting of HEMS operators.
My first keynote address was entitled “US Aeromedical Accidents – What can Australasian HEMS learn from our Mistakes?” On the second day I delivered a keynote address entitled “CRM in Aeromedical Operations - Why CRM/AMRM (Air Medical Resource Management) is Absolutely Vital to HEMS Safety.”
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Human Interest
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STARFlight (Shock Trauma Air Rescue)is the Air Operations Division of Travis County, Texas. It is a public safety air rescue program that is unique because it performs critical transport, firefighting, rescue, and limited law enforcement support. STARFlight is based in Austinand serves not only the citizens of Travis County, but also 19 other counties within a 75-mile radius. The majority of the calls are to assist those who are experiencing medical problems or suffering from traumatic injuries from motor vehicle crashes or other activities. When requested, STARFlight regularly transports very sick patients in rural hospitals to larger, better-equipped hospitals.
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Company Profiles
Helicopter Sectors
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Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Lyn Burks
What is your current position?
I am fortunate to wear several hats, which keeps things interesting. I am the Owner / Developer of Justhelicopters.com and VerticalReference.com. I am the Co-Owner / Editor In Chief of Rotorcraft Pro Magazine. I also produce the HeliSuccess Career Development and NightCon Night Vision Conferences. Additionally, although I no longer fly full time, I still fly as a contract pilot several days per month. I am current in the Agusta A109E and the Sikorsky S76 C+.
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Human Interest
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Randy Mains: My Two Cents Worth
The following is the beginning of my latest book, The Reluctant Activist.
I stood next to the helicopter’s tail plane, looking up in disbelief at the massive damage I’d done. The accident was entirely my fault. I knew I shouldn’t have been anywhere near a cockpit this morning. My mind wasn’t focused on flight training, but I decided to fly anyway. It was a stupid mistake. The reality of knowing how badly I’d screwed up sickened me. As well as losing my wife to another man recently, it seemed likely I could now lose my job. This was not turning out to be one of my better mornings.
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Helicopter Emergency Medical Services And Weather Related Accidents
by Bryan Butler
Many organizations are looking at ways to help make the Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) safer. The FAA is working with FAR Part 135 Operators along with Organization such as HAI, CAAMS and AAMT to bring in voluntary solutions. One simple solution to help alleviate many of the night HEMS Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents is by changing the night VFR visibility minimums for FAR Part 135 HEMS Operations. But what should they be changed to? To help determine that answer let us first look at the root cause of many of our fatal HEMS accidents since January 2000.
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Helicopter Sectors
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6 Tips to Keep Your Helicopter Career Moving Forward
By Janie Foster & Stacy Sheard
1. Be in control
In order to move forward in your career, you need to exercise some semblance of control over it. You are accountable for your own success; stay proactive, think ahead, make goals, build a timeline, look for opportunities, and be adaptable enough to change plans when an unexpected opportunity comes your way.
2. Stay positive
If you think your dream job is impossible, then you may as well give up now. Your attitude will determine your success. It is easier to reach something if you are optimistic, see possibility, and actually believe it is attainable. Positive people are inspirational and a pleasure to be around – no one wants to hang out with a Negative Nancy.
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Career Development