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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors


CS3 - Raising the Bar on Customer Support: How Airbus Does It!

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CS3 - Raising the Bar on Customer Support: How Airbus Does It! Article, Photos & Video by Lyn Burks No one likes a helicopter that is a “hangar pig”—a helicopter that seemingly sits in the hangar broken more often than flying. As a person who has owned several helicopters as a part of my business, I can testify that downtime equals lost dollars. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Perceptions of Safety

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Perceptions of Safety By Scott Skola Safety, safety, safety … with the full court press on safety these days, you would think that the rotorcraft industry would be at that much-revered “zero incidents and accidents” goal by now. Unfortunately, we’re not. When you get down to it, what is safety? Is it just an analytical state of mind, with a bunch of numbers and ratios proving its success? Or does it also have a philosophical side, where perception and beliefs play a part in safety success? The short answer—it’s both. So, if a company wants no incidents and accidents—and every employee goes to work with the intention of not causing an incident or accident—why do we continue to come up short? [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


My Two Cents Worth (February 2014 Issue) - Randy Mains

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My Two Cents Worth (Rotorcraft Pro February 2014 Issue) by Randy Mains What does it mean to you to be a professional? With that thought in mind, do you possess the attributes of a professional? What do you think are essential qualities of a true professional? Conversely, what qualities would you consider to be found in someone who is not a professional? Considering what it takes to be professional – and unprofessional – will make you aware of what we all strive to be: a true professional in our chosen occupation. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Henrik Bjorklund

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Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Henrik Bjorklund RPMN: What is your current position? I’m a saw pilot at Rotor Blade. RPMN: What does Rotor Blade do? We perform aerial sidewall trimming of utility line rights-of-way. This is done with a ten-bladed saw that’s suspended below the aircraft. RPMN: Tell me about your first flight. It was my very first flight lesson at Bristow Academy in Florida. I absolutely loved how the helicopter maneuvered through the air and the sensation of hovering; hanging motionless in the air was absolutely fantastic. I had never been in a helicopter before I left Sweden and came to Bristow Academy, not even on the ground. So, when my instructor asked if I wanted to do an autorotation I simply said, “Yeah, sure,” and was wondering what he was talking about. I was in for a surprise. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHuman Interest


Trends In Helicopter Simulation

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By Ryan MasonBy all indications, the helicopter simulation industry is booming. With the steady [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryTraining


VA Benefits and Helicopter Training

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VA Benefits & Helicopter Training By Heidi McBride Having the opportunity to use our VA benefits to pay for professional helicopter flight training is, for many of us Veterans, an incomprehensible dream come true. Using the Post-9/11 GI Bill can genuinely pay for 100% of your fight training, pay for your books and supplies, and provide a reasonable housing stipend. There are, however, many crucial factors to consider before you blindly pick a flight school and jump in feet first. More than one veteran has chosen too hastily and regretted their choice of school once they became aware of all the options available to them. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryBecoming A Pilot categoryTraining


The Leading Edge of Training Technology –The CAE Experience

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The Leading Edge of Training Technology –The CAE Experience Article, photos & video by Lyn Burks Offshore 100 miles, atop an 80-foot oilrig helideck I perform a pre-takeoff check: fuel levers in direct, both throttles in fly, fire t-handles are forward. Scanning down the instrument panel I see that my temps and pressures are in the green and there are no warnings or caution lights blinking at me. Moving across the center console, I ensure that my stick trims and autopilots are on, and there are no DECU (digital engine control unit) faults. Next, I pull the Sikorsky S76C+ into a stable hover, turn the nose into the wind, and do a power check. The torque gage reads 68 percent — life is good. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


My Two Cents Worth (January 2014 Issue) - Randy Mains

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My Two Cents Worth - Randy Mains Wouldn’t it be great if there were a big fat red warning light on the instrument panel that would illuminate whenever we were putting our passengers and ourselves in harm’s way? Well there is, but it’s not on the instrument panel – it’s in your head. Research has shown that nearly 80% of all aircraft accidents in history have had an element of human error, which means it isn’t stick-and-rudder skills that are killing people – bad pilot decision-making is killing people. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


Meet A Rotorcraft Pro - Kevin W. Nelson

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Meet a Rotorcraft Pro Questionnaire – Kevin W. Nelson RPMN: What is your current position? I’m the founder, owner, president and ‘chief bottle washer’ of Nelson AeroDynamiX, Corp. and its division, Aero Alliance. I am a contributing editor with Vertical magazine; so don’t tell them I’m on your pages! I also work in a close affiliation relationship with Chase Aviation for giving a fresh, honest, thorough and informed service to buyers and sellers of helicopters as a “tag team,” doubling the value. (www.chaseaviation.com) [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHuman Interest


Safety's Hazard

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Safety’s Hazard By Scott Skola Safety and helicopter maintenance have had a long – and interesting – relationship. During the past two decades, safety has played an ever-increasing role and is now one of the primary influences on each and every task mechanics perform. But can too much initiative in the name of safety have a more negative than positive effect in a maintenance environment? Can safety actually become a hazard? "What you talk’n bout, Willis?” No, this is not about removing basic safety procedures, nor regressing to the old days of bathing in MEK, or working 48 hours straight to change an S-76 transmission. This topic focuses on the current shift to apply abstract safety initiatives directly into aircraft maintenance procedures. [Read More...]

Categories: categorySafety

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