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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Training


Better Transport, Tools, Training Equals More Lives Saved

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Since the first successful civilian helicopter rescue November 29, 1945 few fundamental changes have occurred in the way basic search and rescue is conducted. There’s still a helicopter pilot, still someone maneuvering the hoist with the rescue “basket,” and either one or two rear crewmen aiding the victim and supporting the operation. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Sectors



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Night flight usage and technology have grown exponentially in the past few years and the dilemma from FAA mandate to have a minimum of 2 crewmembers for NVG flight operations below 300’ AGL has evolved as well. There are two general sides taken in this discussion. The first is the belief that NVG operations can be conducted safely with only the pilot using NVGs, while others believe that NVG flight operations below 300’ AGL is a multi-crew task. Each side of the discussion believes the alternative to be undesirable. In this article, we will take an objective look at this issue. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


Training helicopters benefit Government of Iraq

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Story by: Spc. Amie J. McMillan BAGHDAD –The recent arrival of three Bell T-407 training helicopters at Camp Taji will help to train qualified Iraqi Army pilots to operate and maintain the helicopters, as well as, rapidly accelerate the fielding and utilization of Iraqi Armed 407 Armed Scout Helicopters which are scheduled to be fielded by the end of 2011. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryHuman Interest


Colorado Heli-Ops & Scenario Based Training: A New Breed of Training!

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For the majority of helicopter flight schools, their honest efforts to meet students’ goals of attaining FAA Certificates at various levels are based on the principles of Maneuvers Based Training (MBT). This system was developed during the era of the Wright Brothers, specific to airplanes, and teaches a pilot to “fly” to a Practical Test Standard (PTS) defined by the FAA. Although pilots who learn to fly through MBT can “fly” the helicopter within the parameters for which they are trained, it is no doubt an antiquated training model by modern day standards. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


Need Money To Fly?

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In aviation today, it is financially difficult to fund advancement in the helicopter industry. However, there are opportunities out there. These opportunities can be found through the Whirly-Girls Organization. The Whirly-Girls Organization is a non-profit organization of International Female Helicopter Pilots. The organization is a charitable organization that is dedicated to advancing women in helicopter aviation through the industry’s largest pool of annual scholarships, while providing women helicopter pilots a forum for the exchange of information and opportunities. Each year, the Whirly-Girls Organization attends the HAI conference and awards these scholarships. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryBecoming A Pilot categoryTraining



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After the cowardly attack on the United States on September 11, 2001, law enforcements roles have changed dramatically. With the advent of Homeland Security grants and other special requirements, more law enforcement agencies are now tasking their aircrews to perform SAR duties as well. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


HEMS Scenario Based Training, The Need for Reality

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It wasn’t too many years ago that most helicopter operators in the US conducting EMS operations would hire a pilot, then in company training validate that pilot to commercial standards per the Federal Aviation Regulations, and quickly send him to a field base to conduct EMS operations for a customer without so much as telling him what the EMS mission he was about to perform was all about. It wasn’t a FAA requirement to train to the mission, but it was a requirement to train the pilot to operate the aircraft safely while conducting the mission, whatever that mission might be. That is where a major problem lied and many operators didn’t realize it was an issue that needed to be dealt with. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety categoryHelicopter Sectors


Advanced Helicopter Training with FlightSafety International

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Written &Video Feature:Advanced Helicopter Training with FlightSafety International By Lyn Burks - Having been in the helicopter industry for a little while, I have been fortunate enough to experience many levels of training. While recently attending an S76C++ transition course at FlightSafety International (FlightSafety), I am reminded of the stark differences between the "haves" and the "have nots." My reference to "haves" and "have nots" is not meant to be deprecating to those who offer or attend helicopter training at traditional facilities. It’s really more of an analogy which notes the difference in the level of training provided by FlightSafety as compared to other training providers I have experienced. The present model of our training industry is what it is, and this article will not change it. [VIEWVIDEOANDARTICLENOW] [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


WAAS'ology 101

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If you haven’t heard of WAAS or Wide Area Augmentation System, it’s, probably fair to say you have been living in a cave. After all, the FAA “certified” WAAS in 2003. Or if you have heard of WAAS but don’t know the in’s and out’s because of the intimidation of learning something new - fear no more! [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining


NextGen Goals: Performace Based Navigation

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Categories: categoryTraining categoryRegulatory

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