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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Training


Aviation Specialties Unlimited : Night Vision - Business Vision

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Aviation Specialties Unlimited Night Vision – Business Vision Article, Photos & Video by Lyn Burks Helicopter flight training wearing Night Vision Goggles (NVG) is as exciting and interesting as any other new skill or technique that can be learned in a helicopter. It’s right up there with learning touchdown autorotations! The one and only buzzkill is that, as the name of the device suggests, you must be using them at night. It’s all fun and games --- until your flight-training block is from 0200 – 0400. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categorySafety categoryRegulatory


White Hot: Adding a Thermal View with EVS

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White Hot: Adding a Thermal View with EVS By Rick Adams I was driving on the turnpike through western Massachusetts a number of years back, enroute to Boston, and the fog was thick. I should have pulled off and waited for better conditions, but I had a hotel reservation for that night and appointments the next morning. So I followed the only visual aids I had – the stripes on the side of the road and the taillights of the car in front of me. If the car ahead had gone off a cliff, well … [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categorySafety


Trends in Helicopter Simulation and Pilot Training

Posted by Admin

35 years ago, the only helicopter simulator training done was in the military and it was used primarily for instrument qualification. At that time, visual systems were in their infancy and the cost and complexity ruled out simulator use for most commercial customers. Today the use of flight simulators in helicopter training is booming. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


How GI Bill Benefits Help Veterans Take the Next Step in Their Careers

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Transitioning from the military to college can be challenging, at least it was for me. After completing my military service, I struggled with getting started on the next step toward fulfilling my education goals. I first enrolled in an online program, but the courses did not really interest me. I soon discovered that without excitement about the subject matter there was no motivation to continue. The only thing I was certain about is that I didn’t want to become one of those statistics about military veterans who don’t use their GI Bill benefits. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryTraining


Troubleshooting Your Pilot

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Nothing brings a productive day to a screeching halt quicker than a broken aircraft. At the very core of getting the anomaly identified and corrected is that initial interaction between the mechanic and pilot. By following a few simple suggestions you can fine tune these early communications, improve troubleshooting efficiency, and get the aircraft back online sooner. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety


Fire Academy Brings Together Regional Helicopter Community with Unique Training Program

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Fire Academy Brings Together Regional Helicopter Community with Unique Training Program By Lyn Burks It’s no secret that certain parts of the Midwest U.S. are a hotbed of helicopter activity, and Ohio is no exception. This is especially true when it comes to sectors like EMS, Law Enforcement, and Electronic News Gathering (ENG), where a variety of helicopters, from a variety of operators are literally operating in the back yards of the communities they serve. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Event Coverage


How Technology Has Changed the World of Simulators

Posted by Admin

Advancements in technology and material make modern simulators more realistic and effective than ever. Regulating this new generation of synthetic training devices has also taken the first steps in keeping up with the changes. This article details some of the technology advancements in simulation and looks at the future of simulators as well. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryTraining categoryRegulatory


A Tale of Two Schools

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By Lyn Burks, Jessica Parker, and Nick MayhewRemember the days when only those “high-fallutin” [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


Nightmares of a Helicopter Pilot

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By Matt Johnson - It was another morning of “ground school” with the “perfect” student. Not to [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining


Helicopter Safety, Less Vibration Is Better

Posted by Admin

By Eli Navon - The Helicopter is really a bunch of parts flying in relatively close formation. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining

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