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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Need Money To Fly?

Posted 14 years 212 days ago ago by Admin

In aviation today, it is financially difficult to fund advancement in the helicopter industry.  However, there are opportunities out there.  These opportunities can be found through the Whirly-Girls Organization.  The Whirly-Girls Organization is a non-profit organization of International Female Helicopter Pilots.  The organization is a charitable organization that is dedicated to advancing women in helicopter aviation through the industry’s largest pool of annual scholarships, while providing women helicopter pilots a forum for the exchange of information and opportunities. Each year, the Whirly-Girls Organization attends the HAI conference and awards these scholarships.

So women, get your pencils sharpened!  It is that time of year to apply for Whirly-Girls Scholarships.  The Whirly-Girls Organization has put together several scholarships this year for members in good standing with a minimum of one-year membership, as well as for non-Whirly-Girls members rated in anything other than a helicopter. The opportunity for scholarships has drastically increased from previous years. Scholarships are constantly changing and/or being added. Scholarships are very diverse from the Whirly-Girls Helicopter Add-on Fight Training Scholarship, which provides $6,000 to assist a certificated female pilot who does not currently have a helicopter rating in earning her add-on helicopter rating to an American Eurocopter Flight Training Scholarship, which gives the opportunity to attend the AS 350 Turbine Transition Course at the American Eurocopter Training Academy in Grand Prairie, TX, USA.  These are just a couple examples of what the Whirly-Girls Organization has to offer.
Therefore ladies, START the applications process. Applications and scholarship descriptions can be found on the Whirly-Girls website www.whirlygirls.org under scholarships.  Applications need to be post marked by October 1, 2010. Do not wait until the last minute to apply!  You can definitely apply for more then one scholarship. It will increase your chances of receiving a flight training scholarship.  Each scholarship that you apply for requires its own copy of a scholarship application.  Last, but not least, continue to check the scholarship website for new and upcoming scholarships.  Apply and spread the word! It is FREE money, which means FREE flight time!

Membership is also open to all women around the world who are rated helicopter pilots. So if you are not a member yet, sign up!  After you are a member for one year, you can apply for these Whirly-Girls Scholarships too! The Whirly-Girls Organization is also open to anyone, both males and females that do not hold a helicopter certificate, interested in helping out with the organization, which are called “Auxiliary Members”. If interested in becoming a member, please refer to our website.

If not interested in becoming a member, we are always looking for sponsors to help us raise money for scholarships to give out to women in aviation interested in the advancement of the helicopter industry. 

Patricia Calder, VP Scholarship  [email protected]

Stacy Sheard, Scholarship Director  [email protected]

Britta Penca, Scholarship Director  [email protected]

Teresa Quinliven, Scholarship Director  [email protected]
