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Articles for category Career Development


HELI-AG: A Tough Row to Hoe

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"Damn, ol' man! You trying to tear up my helicopter?" The (mostly) good-natured rebuke fit the [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Sectors



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  RPMN: What is yourcurrent position? I am the base manager and assistant chief instructor [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHuman Interest categoryCareer Development


VA Benefits and Helicopter Training

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VA Benefits & Helicopter Training By Heidi McBride Having the opportunity to use our VA benefits to pay for professional helicopter flight training is, for many of us Veterans, an incomprehensible dream come true. Using the Post-9/11 GI Bill can genuinely pay for 100% of your fight training, pay for your books and supplies, and provide a reasonable housing stipend. There are, however, many crucial factors to consider before you blindly pick a flight school and jump in feet first. More than one veteran has chosen too hastily and regretted their choice of school once they became aware of all the options available to them. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryBecoming A Pilot categoryTraining


6 Tips to Keep Your Helicopter Career Moving Forward

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6 Tips to Keep Your Helicopter Career Moving Forward By Janie Foster & Stacy Sheard 1. Be in control In order to move forward in your career, you need to exercise some semblance of control over it. You are accountable for your own success; stay proactive, think ahead, make goals, build a timeline, look for opportunities, and be adaptable enough to change plans when an unexpected opportunity comes your way. 2. Stay positive If you think your dream job is impossible, then you may as well give up now. Your attitude will determine your success. It is easier to reach something if you are optimistic, see possibility, and actually believe it is attainable. Positive people are inspirational and a pleasure to be around – no one wants to hang out with a Negative Nancy. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development



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Schmoozing. Brown-nosing. Unfortunately, networking is often thought of as one of these less than flattering activities. I encourage you to think again. Embracing the true concept of networking could be the vital link to your desired career opportunity. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development


My 2 Cents Worth - HeliSuccess Career Development Seminar

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“Positivity” is the word that immediately springs to mind when I think of what my wife, Kaye, and I experienced at the fifth-annual HELISUCCESS conference that took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, in November. Positivity…yep, that’s what it was and the feeling was palpable. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development


How GI Bill Benefits Help Veterans Take the Next Step in Their Careers

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Transitioning from the military to college can be challenging, at least it was for me. After completing my military service, I struggled with getting started on the next step toward fulfilling my education goals. I first enrolled in an online program, but the courses did not really interest me. I soon discovered that without excitement about the subject matter there was no motivation to continue. The only thing I was certain about is that I didn’t want to become one of those statistics about military veterans who don’t use their GI Bill benefits. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryTraining


An Unprotected Pilot Can Lose Everything

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Did you wake up today and think to yourself, “I will go to work and crash my helicopter?” Writing it looks absolutely ridiculous and I am sure that it reads equally ridiculous. Although no one plans an accident, I am confident that we can all agree that accidents do happen. Given that several occur each month, we can also agree that they occur on a regular basis. The problem is that none of us, including me, has an impending feeling that it will actually happen to us. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development


Fire Academy Brings Together Regional Helicopter Community with Unique Training Program

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Fire Academy Brings Together Regional Helicopter Community with Unique Training Program By Lyn Burks It’s no secret that certain parts of the Midwest U.S. are a hotbed of helicopter activity, and Ohio is no exception. This is especially true when it comes to sectors like EMS, Law Enforcement, and Electronic News Gathering (ENG), where a variety of helicopters, from a variety of operators are literally operating in the back yards of the communities they serve. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categoryHelicopter Event Coverage


Tips for a Successful Military to Civilian Transition

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When I left the military in pursuit of my first civilian flying job, I assumed Part 135 was a common component on several different Bell 206 models. My first helicopter job was with a small company that had difficulty making payroll and cut corners on maintenance and training. My priority after this experience was to seek out a large and stable company that adhered to the regulations and preferably had direct deposit. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development

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