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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Career Development


Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Richard Bray

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RPMN: When and how did you choose to fly helicopters? Or did they choose you? I found out about the R-22 and civilian helicopter flight training completely by accident, I saw a helicopter on display at a recreational vehicle show and talked to the pilots and read a brochure. I knew absolutely nothing about it or what questions to ask, but it was a great discovery and it’s been a great career. I’m glad I was ignorant of the business at the time, because if I had known about flight hour requirements for different jobs or turbine time etc. I might not have ever gotten started. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryTraining categoryHuman Interest


Communication Breakdown - My Two Cents June 2015 Issue

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The problem with communication is the perception that it’s been achieved. —George Bernard Shaw, Irish playwright Boy, was ol’ George right. Communication is central to effective crew resource management. An ambiguous message, whether written or spoken, can lead to fatal consequences. With that thought in mind, one would think airline executives, when drafting memos to flight crews, would take great pains to avoid ambiguity at all cost. Apparently, they don’t. Consider the following 1996 memo distributed to pilots at British Airways in an effort to clarify new pilot role titles: [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety categoryCareer Development


Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Heather Howley

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RPMN: How did you get your start in helicopters? The first job I had was as a CFI for a company that went out of business. My second job was with a company that changed ownership. My business, Independent Helicopters, started with $25, a lease agreement with Matt Spitzer, and a positive attitude. So, you could say I have had three starts. Independent Helicopters was where it all really started. I hit the ground running with no safety net and never looked back. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryTraining categoryCompany Profiles


Rotorcraft Pro 2015 U.S. Salary & Benefits Survey

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This year, we at Rotorcraft Pro decided to take a look at helicopter salaries in the industry. There has not been an industry wide effort in the area of salary surveys for nearly a decade and we felt it would be a point of interest for many in the industry, to include pilots and employers. How much do helicopter pilots make? How much are you worth? The first question is fairly easy to answer since all it requires is going through a series of data collection and analysis steps. The second question however is a personal one that requires some introspection and comparative analysis. In other words, everyone wants to know where they stand in relation to their peers in the rest of the industry. Additionally, in order to be competitively attractive, employers want to know whether or not their salary structure is competitive. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryHelicopter Sectors


Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Ernie Fagg

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RPMN: What has been your most challenging job in the industry? The most challenging job in the industry is to find enough technicians of suitable intellect, work ethic, and attitude to train to our demanding standards, and to also find the technicians that will retain these qualities. Many technicians in the helicopter industry find the opportunities for advancement, in both position and pay, to be limiting after a few years. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHuman Interest categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryCareer Development


Game of Drones

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The FAA has formally proposed a new Part 107 to the FARs covering unmanned aircraft weighing less than 55 pounds. It would allow these microdrones (what the FAA officially calls “small Unmanned Aircraft Systems” or “sUAS”) to be flown for commercial purposes by certificated DRone OPerators (DROPs) as long as they fly below 500 feet AGL within their line of sight, during the daytime, and outside Class A, B, C, and D airspace. DROPs can obtain certification by passing a knowledge test and a security screening, but they need not hold conventional pilots’ licenses, undergo skills testing or have minimum levels of flight experience. The public—obviously including the helicopter community—has until 24 April 2015 to submit comments, which can be done online at www.regulation.gov, by searching for the docket number: FAA-2015-0150-0017. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryRegulatory



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In 1995, former U.S. Army helicopter pilot Greg Rochna, along with his wife Brenda, made a decision to try and build a better helicopter tour company in a very competitive market. It was a bold mission, considering that the Las Vegas/Grand Canyon helicopter tour market was well established and dominated by several mature players. As it turns out, the couple’s decision to start Maverick Helicopters was one of the best business decisions of their lives. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Meet a Rotorcraft Pro – Mark C. W. Robinson

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 What is your current position?In addition to being the owner, and everything else that goes along [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryHuman Interest


READINESS vs. EXISTENCE U.S. Army National Guard Aviation

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The next decade will prove a challenging time for the United States and its military. The last [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryTraining categoryCareer Development categoryHuman Interest


DISABLED PILOTS Amputees Fly Above Their Circumstances

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 After the explosion, U.S. Army soldier Ryan Kelly looked down and didn’t see his leg. At that [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryHuman Interest

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