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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Author: Admin


USHST August 2020 Monthly Safety Report

Posted by Admin

USHST August 2020 Monthly Safety Report [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Accidents Helicopter Safety USHST Safety Report
Categories: categorySafety


Editor's Letter - Let’s Get to 2021—Already!

Posted by Admin

I was watching the news a couple weeks ago and the coverage was regarding Hurricane Douglas, a Category 4 hurricane which was bearing down on the Hawaiian Islands. The video footage was of business owners boarding up the windows of their shops. Spray-painted across one business front were the words “2020 Sucks!” I laughed out loud at the sight of it, and thought to myself: “Yep, that pretty much sums it up.” [Read More...]

Tags: Editor Lyn Burks Rotorcraft Pro
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial


AMO is one of few organizations still seeking pilots – and it's even offering special salary rates

Posted by Admin

On any given day, an Air and Marine Operations pilot with U.S. Customs and Border Protection could be conducting surveillance for narcotics over the waters surrounding Puerto Rico, utilizing an AStar's advanced camera system to help the DEA safely serve a "buy bust" warrant in New Orleans, helping the Border Patrol in Laredo locate people trying to cross the U.S. border illegally, flying over New York City in support of NYPD operations, or patrolling a national security event such as a Super Bowl or U.N. General Assembly gathering. [Read More...]

Tags: US CBP Salary Rate US Custom and Border Protection US CZBP Air and Marine Operations
Categories: categoryCareer Development


Executive Watch - Trevor McIntyre, TracPlus CEO

Posted by Admin

TracPlus, headquartered in New Zealand, coordinates collaboration and communication between first responders on a shared platform that has now logged 6,500,000 flight hours, which seems to approximate how many academic credit hours the technology company’s CEO, Trevor McIntyre, has accumulated. The executive has a bachelor’s degree and postgraduate degrees from Rhodes University in his native land of South Africa, as well as a further postgraduate degree from the University of Natal, and a Master’s Degree (with first class honors) from the National College of Ireland. Then there are his two professional charters as well. He’s a Chartered Accountant through his fellowship in the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants. That’s impressive book-cracking. However, you’d be mistaken if you deemed McIntyre an ivory tower student detached from the real business world. Most of those degrees were earned in night classes while he pursued his career in the light of day day with Big Four accounting consulting firms, like KPMG and PWC, helping companies recognize their strengths and find their sometimes hidden flaws. “Studying that way (at night) taught me how to manage my time effectively and that you can fit more into your life than you believe that you can. I believe that education is a key part of constantly striving to improve yourself. My parents were both teachers and really emphasized the importance of lifelong learning to my brothers and I. It is a key part of what I try to embed into my teams.” says McIntyre. [Read More...]

Tags: Executive Watch TracPlus
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryHuman Interest


Today’s Law Enforcement Helicopter Trends

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Once upon a time, the world of law enforcement (LE) helicopters was a relatively simple place. LE pilots flew surveillance and pursuit missions in aid of their respective police departments, using basic helicopters that were aerial observation platforms and little else. Times have changed: Today’s LE helicopters and LE pilots are affected by trends such as a move to multiple-role missions, advanced cockpit technology, and unmanned aerial systems (aka drones); among others. [Read More...]

Tags: Law Enforcement Helicopters Public Safety Aviation and Covid Public Safety Aviation Units Public Safety Helicopters
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHelicopter Sectors


Today’s Law Enforcement Helicopter Trends

Posted by Admin

CWO Shane Engelauf knows what Romano is talking about. Engelauf is chief pilot with the Charlotte County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) Air Support Unit in Punta Gorda, Florida. Thanks to resource sharing among the agencies within his jurisdiction, Engelauf’s missions have expanded beyond police work to encompass firefighting, rescue, air ambulance, and even mosquito spraying on behalf of Charlotte County.  [Read More...]

Tags: Aviation Law Enforcement Helicopter Avionics Advances Helicopter Multiple Role Primary Flight Display Unmanned Aerial Aircraft Unmanned Helicopters
Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryTraining



Posted by Admin

Job interviews come in many different flavors. They can range from short, informal conversations during a social event to a virtual meeting with one or two managers to formal, multi-day assessments. Sometimes, being prepared and knowing what to expect is not as easy as it sounds; however, regardless of how the interview is structured, most companies are pretty much looking for the same things. They want to see skill, aptitude, judgement, reputation, and safety from a drama-free, loyal, adaptable, predictable work force. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development


Gunship Helicopters - From Hardship to Gunship

Posted by Admin

Combine an AS350 with doors off, an automatic machine gun, and an open desert range with your own tourist trigger finger and you've got “The Ultimate Thrill Ride In Las Vegas,” also known as Gunship Helicopters. For many, just flying through the Mojave Desert mountains in a helicopter is a thrill. Add a military M249 SAW (squad automatic weapon), zombies, and AR500 reactionary steel targets, and you’ve got Gunship Helicopters’ next-level exhilaration and firepower. The partners at Gunship Helicopters are a living testimony that there’s glory in overcoming obstacles. Gunship Helicopters is owned by father-and-son duo Robert and Matt Fahnestock, partner Randy Saenz, and managed by Brad Scanlon. This adventure tourism company was built on hard work, determination, and only taking yes for an answer. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors


Meet A Rotorcraft Pro - Scott Kerchner

Posted by Admin

RPMN: What is your current position? I am the assistant chief pilot for Southern California and Hawaii for REACH Air Medical Services. I have responsibility for 44 pilots at 11 bases as well as three IFR reserve pilots and two instructor pilots/check airmen; it keeps me fairly busy. I enjoy working with pilots and flying first-rate helicopters in the single-pilot IFR role. RPMN: Tell me about your first flight. My first helicopter flight was in the U.S. Navy flight school at South Whiting Field near Pensacola, Florida. I was a student naval aviator and had been selected to fly helicopters in the United States Marine Corps. From the moment we lifted off in the TH-57C, I was hooked! I had flown fixed-wing prior: a T-34C at North Whiting Field, and Cessnas at the Don Scott airport affiliated with The Ohio State University when I was a college student there. My actual first flight was in a Cessna 152 at Ohio State. RPMN: How did you get your start in helicopters? As a Marine officer pilot at Whiting Field. Upon getting designated as a naval aviator and getting my wings, I was sent on to learn to fly the Sikorsky CH-53D Sea Stallion and eventually the CH-53E Super Stallion. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryHuman Interest


2020 Pilot Salary Survey Report

Posted by Admin

Rotorcraft Pro’s annual U.S. Pilot Salary & Benefits Survey was initially launched six years ago in an effort to monitor and report trends on the salaries of pilots in the industry. Traditionally, surveys were sent directly to employers via snail mail in ballot form, then collected and tabulated. This old method did provide interesting results, but because employers are reluctant to reveal the exact salaries and benefits they provide, the sampling could be rather small and probably wasn’t always representative of the larger whole. Online technologies have given us the ability to survey actual pilots and their employers, thus generating more participation throughout the industry. This year’s survey had excellent participation and obtained the latest information on helicopter pilots: [Read More...]


Tags: Helicopter Pilot Pay Scales Helicopter Pilot Salaries Helicopter Salaries Helicopter Salary Survey Report

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