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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Company Profiles


Certified, Integrated and Interchangeable EMS Equipment

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Intermountain Healthcare in Salt Lake City, Utah recently received the first of five Agusta Westland 109SP Grand New helicopters with a US-certified emergency medical service (EMS) interior designed by Spectrum Aeromed. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Crew Chiefs Keep Apaches Fighting

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CAMP TAJI, Iraq – AH-64D Apache Longbow crew chiefs are proud of their aircraft. They're quick to tell you it's one of the most advanced pieces of equipment in the Army's arsenal. They boast that the 58 foot-long war-fighting machine travels up to 227 miles per hour and is armed with as many as 16 Hellfire rockets, up to 75 (2.75 inch) aerial rockets, and can carry 1,200 rounds for its 30 mm machine gun. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Offshore EMS - When Life Matters

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By Caterina Hessler, Philipp Jahnke - Due to environmental pollution and the dawning end of mineral oil as one of the main energy resources, clean ways to generate renewable energy gain more and more importance. One of the most important renewable energy sources is wind. Therefore giant wind farms are planned to be built in the Northern and Baltic Sea – but as the number and the size of those parks grow, new problems concerning the care for injured or ill workers arise. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Swiss Air Ambulance Rega

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By Caterina Hessler - The “Rega” is one of the most famous rescue institutions in Europe. It has influenced alpine rescue in Switzerland and worldwide, like no other. With more than 13,700 alerts in 2010, the crews of the “Rega” fly for people´s lives 24/7. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


A Day with the LASD Aero Bureau

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By Steve Goldsworthy - Sensory overload is all I can think of as I strap on a Gentex helmet, hook up my full body harness to a restraint hook, and sink into my seat as the giant Sikorsky H3H helicopter lifts off into the fog. In seconds that big open sliding door reveals nothing but grey as we climb out IFR from KLGB. From my seat I can watch the pilots as they call out altitudes, turns and VOR headings. A few seconds later, we are on top, but since we are still on an IFR departure, we’re still flying on the gauges. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


The Workday of a German “Polizei” Helicopter Pilot

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By Caterina Hessler - The state of Thuringia, the “green heart” of the Federal Republic of Germany is famous for its vast forests and the low mountain range of the “Rennsteig.” The capital Erfurt is the home of the state´s police helicopter squadron. The pilots there fight for law and order and sometimes for people´s lives, too. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Alabama State Troopers Aviation Unit

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ByRon Whitney - An invitation to visit with the Alabama Department of Public Safety (Alabama State Troopers) Aviation Unit and observe training in the field is not something you pass up. This is a rare opportunity - one in which you get a first hand look at the unique capabilities and value of such a unit. Little did I know before exactly how capable these folks really are. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Yulista Aviation - First Impressions Count Big

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By Ron Whitney - Madison County Executive (MDQ) airport is not an unfamiliar destination for me. Located a little over 17 nm to the northeast of Huntsville International (HSV) Airport, this uncontrolled general aviation airport was a frequent refueling stop while I was in the EMS business. The one thing I always loved about MDQ was that the line guys were always waiting on me, regardless of the time, or the weather. Even if I was only buying thirty gallons of Jet A, they treated us as if it were five thousand. The service here is simply the best I’ve seen in thirty years of flying. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Robinson’s R66 The Rest of the Story Part 3

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The sound of metal skid shoes scraping against runway asphalt is never pleasant. But today, there is nothing more fun than doing full down autos in Robinsons new R66. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Interview with Kurt Robinson about RHC and the R66 Part 2

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As I sit outside a restaurant talking with Pat Cox and Pete Riedl in the gorgeous So Cal weather, I can’t help but think about flying helicopters. I wonder aloud why I chose to drive and not fly down to the Robinson plant in Torrance, California. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCompany Profiles

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