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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Company Profiles


Advanced Helicopter Training with FlightSafety International

Posted by Admin

Written &Video Feature:Advanced Helicopter Training with FlightSafety International By Lyn Burks - Having been in the helicopter industry for a little while, I have been fortunate enough to experience many levels of training. While recently attending an S76C++ transition course at FlightSafety International (FlightSafety), I am reminded of the stark differences between the "haves" and the "have nots." My reference to "haves" and "have nots" is not meant to be deprecating to those who offer or attend helicopter training at traditional facilities. It’s really more of an analogy which notes the difference in the level of training provided by FlightSafety as compared to other training providers I have experienced. The present model of our training industry is what it is, and this article will not change it. [VIEWVIDEOANDARTICLENOW] [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining


Night Flight Concepts Takes Mystery Out of NVG's!

Posted by Admin

INCLUDESVIDEOFEATURE! Article, Photos, and Video by Lyn Burks - If you are a current or former Military Pilot, odds are good that you have been exposed to Night Vision Goggle (NVG) operations. However, to their civilian trained counterparts, the concepts of NVG operations are both unfamiliar and somewhat mysterious. [Read More...]

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