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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Company Profiles


The Future of Manned/Unmanned Roadable VTOL Aircraft and Modular Cargo Systems

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Advanced Tactics Inc., a small aerospace company, recently released details about its AT Transformer vehicle technology and announced that a full-scale technology demonstrator has completed its first driving and flight tests. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


From Tip to Tail: Precision HeliParts Delivers

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Whether it’s something routine, like overhauling one of its many starter generators, or a more urgent need, like replacing an N1 tach indicator that just quit on a helicopter stuck out in the field, when All American Aviation needs a part they contact Precision HeliParts (PHP). There is a tongue-in-cheek saying that “A helicopter is 5,000 moving parts all trying to do you bodily harm!” Of course, I strongly disagree with the latter part of that statement. However, since every helicopter is indeed made up of thousands of parts, the scenarios above play out hundreds of times every day in a variety of ways all over the world. Fortunately, for thousands of operators in over 60 countries, PHP is part of their solution. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles



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Article and Photos by Tim Pruitt MRO Services All American Aviation is an up and coming player in the aerospace maintenance, repair, and overhaul (MRO) industry. As an FAA certified repair station, their certified service technicians provide complete support and services for avionics and components on both rotorcraft and fix-wing aircraft. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


CS3 - Raising the Bar on Customer Support: How Airbus Does It!

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CS3 - Raising the Bar on Customer Support: How Airbus Does It! Article, Photos & Video by Lyn Burks No one likes a helicopter that is a “hangar pig”—a helicopter that seemingly sits in the hangar broken more often than flying. As a person who has owned several helicopters as a part of my business, I can testify that downtime equals lost dollars. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


The Leading Edge of Training Technology –The CAE Experience

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The Leading Edge of Training Technology –The CAE Experience Article, photos & video by Lyn Burks Offshore 100 miles, atop an 80-foot oilrig helideck I perform a pre-takeoff check: fuel levers in direct, both throttles in fly, fire t-handles are forward. Scanning down the instrument panel I see that my temps and pressures are in the green and there are no warnings or caution lights blinking at me. Moving across the center console, I ensure that my stick trims and autopilots are on, and there are no DECU (digital engine control unit) faults. Next, I pull the Sikorsky S76C+ into a stable hover, turn the nose into the wind, and do a power check. The torque gage reads 68 percent — life is good. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


Paradigm Aerospace Corporation - Paradigm Shift

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One of the buzzwords used on TV by the politicians and talking heads is the word “paradigm.” In fact, using the word in a sentence over a beer with buddies may cause their impression of your IQ to go up a couple points. We commonly hear the pundits say things like, “It’s the new paradigm” or “The paradigm has shifted.” Looking closer at the word paradigm, we see it means “a pattern of something; a model.” Paradigm Aerospace Corporation (PAC) has been in the helicopter business since 1976. Given their longstanding reputation as a “model” for quality, having the word paradigm as part of their name nearly four decades later almost seems prophetic. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


A League of Their Own – Southeast Aerospace

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Back in 2011, an interesting movie was released named Moneyball. The movie was based on the story of Oakland A’s general manager, Billy Beane. His former General Manager (GM), Sandy Alderson, mentored him in the art of sabermetrics (statistical analysis). In turn, Beane successfully assembled a lower-budget team based on emerging prospects and undervalued veterans that consistently performed. Most other Major League Baseball teams during this time were interested in high-priced superstars that may or may not have consistently produced. One theme I noticed throughout the movie was consistent, well placed singles beat a few home runs every time. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Sikorsky’s Half-Century Workhorse

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Story by Rick WeatherfordPhotos by Aris HelicoptersIn the early 1950s, the Sikorsky S-55 made its [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Travis County STARFLIGHT

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STARFlight (Shock Trauma Air Rescue)is the Air Operations Division of Travis County, Texas. It is a public safety air rescue program that is unique because it performs critical transport, firefighting, rescue, and limited law enforcement support. STARFlight is based in Austinand serves not only the citizens of Travis County, but also 19 other counties within a 75-mile radius. The majority of the calls are to assist those who are experiencing medical problems or suffering from traumatic injuries from motor vehicle crashes or other activities. When requested, STARFlight regularly transports very sick patients in rural hospitals to larger, better-equipped hospitals. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryHelicopter Sectors


Aviation Specialties Unlimited : Night Vision - Business Vision

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Aviation Specialties Unlimited Night Vision – Business Vision Article, Photos & Video by Lyn Burks Helicopter flight training wearing Night Vision Goggles (NVG) is as exciting and interesting as any other new skill or technique that can be learned in a helicopter. It’s right up there with learning touchdown autorotations! The one and only buzzkill is that, as the name of the device suggests, you must be using them at night. It’s all fun and games --- until your flight-training block is from 0200 – 0400. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categorySafety categoryRegulatory

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