Posted 12 years 280 days ago ago by Admin
The National Wildland Firefighter Foundation: Where Compassion Spreads like Wildfire
Wildland firefighters, protectors of our forests and grasslands, work hot, grueling hours under extreme and dangerous conditions. When the unthinkable happens and a firefighter pays the ultimate price, the Wildland Firefighter Foundation (WFF) is there with immediate and lasting help.
Since 1999, the WFF has provided emergency support services, including financial assistance and immediate and ongoing emotional support, to over 150 families of firefighters seriously injured or killed in the line of duty. The WFF recognizes pilots and other aviation crews as wildland firefighters when they are involved with fire suppression and management duties. Families left behind, many with young children, often find themselves with few immediate resources, and the WFF steps in to help.
The WFF also presents program information and in some instances, onsite crisis support, to government agencies and private companies whose duties include fire suppression and management. Additional support includes holiday sponsorships for families with young children, travel expenses to attend survivor gatherings and recognition programs, and counseling for immediate family members.
The WFF also maintains the Interagency Wildland Firefighters Monument at the National Interagency Fire Center in Boise, Idaho. The Monument contains several bronze statues of wildland firefighters and hundreds of ground level markers honoring firefighters from around the nation.
Aviation fatalities make up over half of those who have lost their lives protecting our natural resources from wildland fire. The WFF is helping with efforts to install an aviation related piece at the Wildland Firefighters Monument in Boise, Idaho. This piece would recognize all fliers, whether pilot, aircrew, or aerially deployed firefighters and will commemorate this special and significant part of our community according to WFF founder and executive director Vicki Minor.
In 2010 the WFF was inducted into the Idaho Hall of Fame recognizing the dedication of the organizations volunteers, directors and staff for work in Idaho and across the nation. In 2010, executive director Vicki Minor received one of six national Adult Caring Awards:
(http://www.caring.org/CaringAwards.taf?function=current ) from the Caring Institute in Washington, D.C. Others receiving this award in 2010 included Lance Armstrong, and in previous years, individuals like Senator Bob Dole, Senator Ted Kennedy, and former President Jimmy and first ladies Rosalyn Carter and Hilary Clinton.
As 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization the WFF relies entirely on donations and volunteer assistance to accomplish these valuable services to the wildland fire fighting community. The WFF actively seeks corporate and individual donors to support its programs. There are various ways to help: direct donations, joining the “52 Club” which recognizes individuals who donate one dollar for each of the 52 weeks in a year, sponsoring a local fund raising effort or becoming a corporate sponsor. With your help, they can continue to make a difference. For more information, visit website www.wffoundation.org.