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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Opinion-Editorial


Best of 2023: Rotor Tech Roundup

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Nine companies made our ‘Best of Rotor Tech’ list this year. The accomplishments they racked up during 2023 are truly impressive. [Read More...]

Tags: Airbus Helicopters FlightLab Helicopter Technology
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHelicopter Sectors


Tech and Growth on Display in Europe

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For the second time in as many days, I was demoing a product that involved complex helicopter operations with a set of virtual reality goggles on my face. Boy how times have changed! [Read More...]

Tags: European Rotors Vertical Lift Virtual Reality Googles
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial


Artificial Intelligence Will Shake Up Aviation

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There’s a revolution underway in aviation, and it is being driven by artificial intelligence. AI is already affecting everything from helicopter/fixed-wing design and manufacturing to in-flight operations and maintenance, along with air traffic control and anything else that touches flying. [Read More...]

Tags: Aviation Artificial Intelligence
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHelicopter Sectors


Meet a Rotor Pro - David Meisels, Pratt and Whitney Canada

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RPMN: What is your current position? I am an associate director at Pratt & Whitney Canada (P&WC) in helicopter marketing, and my function includes program management. I’m responsible for all interactions between certain helicopter OEMs and P&WC. My role is exciting because I have a wide breadth of responsibility: everything from the tactical (deliveries, quality, etc.) to the strategic (new products, new technologies) to the relationship with my OEMs. [Read More...]

Tags: Meet A Rotor Pro
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHuman Interest


Technology or Training: What’s making us safer?

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I recall that when I was an emergency medical services pilot back in the 90s, I wrote many times that it was my belief that training was the key to reducing the high accident rate in EMS. Although I flew an S-76 with an autopilot and glass cockpit, technology was not as prevalent for light-single helicopters. For the most part back then, we received our initial part 135 training, then our annual recurrent training (which was pretty light) only once per year. For most operators, training involved shooting an instrument approach and performing an unusual attitude recovery under a view limiting device (foggles) during VMC conditions. Given the lack of technology, as compared to today, it’s difficult to fault the operators. I always used to say that if the operators could not train themselves to be safer, they would eventually be regulated and “technologied” into safety. [Read More...]

Tags: Helicopter Technology Helicopter Training Rotor Pro Editor's Letter
Categories: categoryRegulatory categoryTraining categoryOpinion-Editorial



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Aerial firefighting teams often find themselves operating in less-than-ideal conditions when general aviators are faced with strong, gusty winds and unpredictable mountainous terrain exacerbated by extreme heat. These challenging circumstances are further intensified by the presence of multiple helicopters, fixed-wing spotter aircraft and bombers in close proximity, as well as reduced visibility and low-altitudes, making aerial firefighting jobs among the most perilous in the industry. Kishugu Aviation is a key provider of aerial support to the South Africa's Department of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries through its Expanded Public Works Program (EPWP) initiative called Working on Fire (WoF). Based in Mbombela, Mpumalanga, Kishugu Aviation offers an extensive array of aerial services to both public and private sectors, encompassing aerial firefighting, game relocation, anti-poaching, disaster relief, drone operations, and charter work. Kishugu Aviation, previously known as Forest Fire Association, started in 1986 with one spotter aircraft and has grown into an industry leader that today boasts a fleet of more than 40 aircraft. [Read More...]

Tags: aerial fire support Kishugu Aviation South Africa Expanded Public Works Program
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryCompany Profiles


Editor's Letter - Pendulum Swings From Defund to Refund the Police

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Remember the “defund the police” movement that began back in 2020? I remember thinking at the time, “This really seems like a dumb idea.” I recall learning “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” while taking a college psychology class. It’s a theory comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. I remember that safety/security is the second most important foundational layer. Where does that security come from in our daily lives? I believe it starts with the individual. However, there are limits on what we can do as individuals. As a society, the rule of law is the foundation for our security, and it’s the law enforcement agencies on the streets—and in the air— who do the actual work of enforcing those laws to protect us. [Read More...]

Tags: Defund the Police Refund the Police Rotor Pro
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial


My Two Cents Worth - Find Common Ground

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A key concept in the development of early relationships is finding common ground; elements within each of our lives where we share interest and experience. It is through these shared perspectives that we gain trust and confidence that our communications with each other have meaning and understanding. At times, identifying common ground can seem like an impossible task. As the vertical lift industry becomes more diverse, the people, aircraft, and even operating methodologies look very different; however, the importance of working together has never been more critical than it is today. [Read More...]

Tags: aircraft training Helicopter Training vertical lift industry
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryOpinion-Editorial


Helicopter Industry Surges Past Pre-pandemic Levels

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Despite a volatile global economy, the vertical lift industry seems to be holding its own. At Heli-Expo 2023 in Atlanta, one of the common themes from the manufacturers was that sales and production was back above pre-pandemic levels. At one Heli-Expo briefing, CEO Bruno Even and President Romain Trapp of Airbus Helicopters provided a market forecast. Even indicated that the helicopter market is strong and over 20 years they expect to deliver 16,200 helicopters worth 120 billion euros (approx. $130 billion). He said the helicopter market is recovering and that private and business aviation is growing, with the civil market exceeding pre-pandemic levels. To learn more, see on page 66 the article titled, “Airbus Helicopters, Fresh News for Spring.” [Read More...]

Tags: Airbus Helicopters Aviation Magazine Aviation News Helicopter Magazine Helicopters News Rotor Pro
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial


Editor's Letter - Welcome to Atlanta! Will 2023 Excite Like 2022?

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Although January 1 starts the calendar new year, I feel like the vertical lift industry’s new year begins on the first day of HAI Heli-Expo, the world’s largest vertical lift industry trade show. 14,000-plus attendees as well as 600-plus companies representing manufacturers and services providers come together to share with our industry what’s new, as well as to connect with customers. In 2022, we saw many new milestones across a variety of sectors. Unmanned, Advanced Air Mobility and eVTOL aircraft, which seemed like a pipe dream for several years, moved the needle in a big way with many AAM and eVTOL aircraft flying for the first time, with some achieving certain levels of certification. There was a renewed call for the industry to embrace these new platforms when HAI President Jim Viola strongly said, “Let me be clear: AAM (advanced air mobility unmanned aircraft) and eVTOL (electric-powered vertical takeoff and landing aircraft) operations are complementary to conventional helicopters.” On the unmanned front, on Page 74 Rotor Pro spoke to OEMs and operators to learn who will service Unmanned, Advanced Air Mobility and eVTOL aircraft in our industry. [Read More...]

Tags: eVTOL OEM Rotor Pro at HeliExpo 2023
Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryOpinion-Editorial categoryHelicopter Event Coverage

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