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“My promotion to the CEO role at Air Maestro came at a unique time - I was six months pregnant with my son—with no prior CEO experience,” Aleks Banas says to begin this profile of a working mother who has risen to CEO of not one, but two aviation technology companies: Air Maestro and Spidertracks. The Polish-born Australian, gives voice to what has become the unofficial anthem of her current country—the song sung by the folk band, The Seekers: “I am Australian.”
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Air Maestro
Alex Banas
Executive Watch
Career Development
Company Profiles
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On the personnel supply side of the equation, things seem to be getting slightly better, but not much!
There are still many external forces impacting the supply of working helicopter pilots. These forces are not only keeping the supply lines short of personnel, but stifling the growth of the base pilot pool as well.
As published in previous salary survey reports, the factors impacting operators stem from many issues to include; aging pilots retiring en-mass, aggressive airline recruitment of helicopter pilots, and the retraction of pilot training pipelines from traditional sources like civilian academies and the U.S. Military.
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Helicopter Pilot Salaries
Helicopter Salary Survey Report
Pilot Salaries
Career Development
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Everywhere I turn, I see nothing but change. Rapid change. In fact, almost every feature in this issue has an underlying theme of change.
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Changes in the helicopter industry
Rotor Pro Editor's Letter
Helicopter Sectors
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Deciding where in the world to do your helicopter flight training is highly complex and one that should not be taken lightly. Diligent research should be undertaken. I know as I asked myself this very question over 23 years ago. Like so many others I traveled from another country, England in my case, to the United States to accomplish it. Now, over two decades later I am a helicopter experimental test pilot and also the proud owner of a successful flight training school in Long Beach, California. I have been reflecting on this very subject and why I decided to come here. I thought it would be very useful to both highlight and explain my thought processes and how, should you agree with them, go about embarking on your own helicopter career in the USA. The following paragraphs discuss the various subject areas for why people come here and why, in my case, I did so.
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Alex Chaunt
Anthelion Helicopters
Helicopter training in the USA
Career Development
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In case you have forgotten or haven't been bored enough to attend your local City Council meeting lately, "All in favor" is an idiom generally used to prompt the act of voting and typically exercised by either a voice response or a show of hands. And while it is just me writing this article, I will go out on a limb here and say "aye" for all three of us. That's how many (excluding friends and family) that want you to pass your Checkride! Obviously, you want to achieve that milestone, your CFI certainly has skin in the game, and designated pilot examiners want you to pass. Yes, you read that correctly! I, for one, and many of my other DPE colleagues I frequently network with, will agree that issuing a Notice of Disapproval is disappointing on our end as well. Remember, we are pilots too! We want to see you succeed! But first, a successful practical test stand upon three valid legs.
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helicopter checkride
rotorcraft checkride
Career Development
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Five years after the decision was made to replace the renowned Bell UH-1D helicopter in the search and rescue role by the Airbus H145 LUH SAR, the 7th Squadron of ‘Transport Hubschrauber Regiment 30 at Niederstetten Air Base is fully operational with the new helicopter.
When the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) was established in 1947, each member state was obliged to set up facilities and provide the necessary assistance in the event of an aircraft emergency over land or sea in its own territory. Following World War II, Germany was allowed to build up its own armed forces again in 1955 and joined ICAO as a member state in 1956. Preparations began to set up a dedicated search and rescue network by the ‘Bundeswehr’ (German armed forces). Although the German navy already started SAR-operations from Kiel-Holtenau in 1958; the official foundation date is considered 1 April 1959 when the 1st Rescue and Liaison Squadron was established at Faberg Air Base in northern Germany operating the Bristol 171 Sycamore helicopter and the Dornier DO-27 aircraft. Over the years a large variety of helicopters was used by the German armed forces that included the Sikorsky S-58, Vertol H-21, SaRo Skeeter, the Bell UH-1D Huey and the Westland Sea King.
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Airbus H145 LUH SAR
German Army's Search and Rescue
Company Profiles
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The true value of networking and forging meaningful connections is immeasurable. In the beginning of my career I believed I had a clear vision of my professional path, but as I progressed, numerous unforeseen opportunities presented themselves. I attribute a significant portion of my success to the individuals who offered guidance and illuminated new avenues for me. As an introvert, the prospect of reaching out, building networks, and seeking advice was initially overwhelming. Even now it presents its challenges, but I have come to realize that networking is more than a skill, but a crucial catalyst for growth and success unlocking doors to possibilities I never knew existed.
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Career Development
Posted by Admin
Imagine: Sometime in the near future, a combined team of drones and helicopters is dispatched to battle a major forest fire. The drones fan out to identify hot spots, locate survivors, and spray fire suppressants in key areas. The helicopters follow to pick up survivors, apply larger amounts of fire suppressants, and either manage the drones in the air or just coordinate with them due to the drones’ autonomous/ground-controlled flight systems.
This may sound like something out of a science-fiction novel. But it is actually a reasonable projection of where rotorcraft technology is headed in the not-so-distant future. Here’s where we stand right now…
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Helicopter Sectors
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The introduction of radar (also known as radio) altimeters to the helicopter industry began as a highly accurate tool to validate actual height above ground during Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) flight operations. Like the fixed wing world, a helicopter being flown on an IFR approach needs accurate information on height above ground to continue to a safe landing.
As the helicopter industry introduced additional technologies, the requirement for a radar altimeter in a helicopter expanded. It was determined that a radar altimeter would be required equipment for NVG modified cockpits and stated accordingly in 14 CFR 91.205(h)(7). After April 24th, 2017, the FAA expanded the requirement for radar altimeter installation and use in Part 135 operations with the introduction of 14 CFR Part 135.160(a): Radio Altimeters for Rotorcraft Operations.
The clear intent of the regulation was to improve aviation safety. Providing the pilot with a highly accurate tool to know their actual height above ground would reduce controlled flight into terrain (CFIT) accidents.
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NVG modified cockpits
Radar Altimeter
Radar Altimeters and 5G Exemptions
Posted by Admin
It is a vast untamed wilderness where lions, rhinos, elephants and other wild animals roam freely, but the massive park’s borders are sometimes breached by a network of highly skilled and motivated poachers. High temperatures often reach north of 110o (F) in the summer months. These are some of the formidable challenges that the South African National Parks (SANParks) Air Services has to navigate.
The Kruger National Park borders Mozambique on the eastern side and Zimbabwe on the northern side. SANParks Air Services provides the aerial support required for over 2 million hectares, as well as the other 19 parks of SANParks across South Africa. Poachers are a huge problem, although the battle is slowly being won, and rhino poaching has stabilized and reduced over the past years.
Despite back-breaking work from a dedicated and passionate SANParks team, Kruger National Park rhino populations have continued to plummet due to rhino poaching (according to the population count from 2020). Recently published research estimates that there are about 2,607 white rhinos remaining in the Kruger National Park, while black rhinos are estimated to number just 202. This represents a population decline of 75% for white rhinos since 2011 (from 10,621) and 51% for black rhino since 2013 (from 415).
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helicopters antipoaching
sanparks air services
south africa sanparks aviation
Helicopter Sectors
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