Articles for tag COO of Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing (AEM)
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“Every day has hopefully my biggest failure in store… I look at failure differently from many people.” says Taylor Wylie, COO of Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing (AEM) a communication avionics manufacturer whose business is over 90% for and from helicopters. He is the first executive I recall profiling who actually likes failure. Yes, he sees failure, he says, “differently.” In fact, we will see Wylie relishes in unconventional thinking and he says that different thinking has been a key to his successful career. But what about his hopes for big failures? Notice those three little ellipses in his quote (…); they are employed so frequently, especially in political ads and movie promotions, they often go unnoticed. The words those three little dots hold the key: “with the opportunity to learn big things from that failure.” So, he embraces failure as a beneficial teacher.
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COO of Anodyne Electronics Manufacturing (AEM)
Executive Watch
Taylor Wylie