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Articles for tag Rotor Pro Executive Watch


Anthony Rios, President of FreeFlight Systems

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Conservative columnist George Will wrote: “To immigrate is to make an entrepreneurial act. It’s to uproot yourself and maybe your family and take a risk.” The youngest child of Cuban immigrants, Miami native Anthony Rios is proud of his Latin heritage and his parents’ entrepreneurial spirit. He says, “In South Florida, you strongly identify with your Latin roots; I come from a proud Latin family.” (Despite his Cuban roots, Rios doesn’t drink coffee or enjoy cigars. “I make up for that with rum,” he laughs.) He recalls, “I grew up in an entrepreneurial home, not because it was popular being an entrepreneur, but because it was what was required to make life work.” His father began work in America as a mechanic at Firestone, but opportunities for promotion were limited for Latinos back in the 1960s. So, the family patriarch struck out on his own to open a service garage that he operated for 40 years. Rios’ mother left her waitressing job at a Latin restaurant to help run the garage. “That business put me and other relatives through private school and college, and I think that is a great story of my parents’ perseverance and work ethic,” Rios says with appreciation. [Read More...]

Tags: Anthony Rios Free Flight Rotor Pro Executive Watch


Executive Watch - Todd Tetzlaff, President and CEO of Enstrom Helicopter Corp

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When Todd Tetzlaff Talks… People Listen “I’m really good at dumbing things down because I’m not that bright,” says the man who is now leading the revival of past-bankrupt Enstrom Helicopter Corporation, based in Menominee, Michigan. In a relaxed interview that spanned over an hour at this year’s recent HAI Expo in Atlanta, one gets the sense that Todd Tetzlaff is completely candid when he confesses his shortcoming. No, not because the aircraft engineering technology graduate from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University is “not that bright.” After all, Tetzlaff has held FAA engineering designee privileges with flight analyst and structural authorities for over 20 years and is also a certified private fixed- and commercial rotary-wing pilot. He bilingually and fluently speaks the advanced languages of engineers and pilots. He also was the object of a decades long tug-of-war between Enstrom Helicopter and Gulfstream for his abilities, when he bounced back and forth between helicopters and jets until helicopters won. Of course, he humbly doesn’t see himself as an object of pursuit; he was the pursuer and just grateful to be working in aerospace. [Read More...]

Tags: President and CEO of Enstrom Helicopter Corp. Rotor Pro Executive Watch Todd Tetzlaff
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