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Articles for tag Refund the Police


Editor's Letter - Pendulum Swings From Defund to Refund the Police

Posted by Admin

Remember the “defund the police” movement that began back in 2020? I remember thinking at the time, “This really seems like a dumb idea.” I recall learning “Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs” while taking a college psychology class. It’s a theory comprising a five-tier model of human needs, often depicted as hierarchical levels within a pyramid. I remember that safety/security is the second most important foundational layer. Where does that security come from in our daily lives? I believe it starts with the individual. However, there are limits on what we can do as individuals. As a society, the rule of law is the foundation for our security, and it’s the law enforcement agencies on the streets—and in the air— who do the actual work of enforcing those laws to protect us. [Read More...]

Tags: Defund the Police Refund the Police Rotor Pro
Categories: categoryOpinion-Editorial