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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors


How Do I Become a Police Pilot?

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By Dwaine Parker - I believe that this question has been the most asked of me. I never mind answering it and I use to respond back with lengthy emails trying not to forget the slightest detail. I then realized it would be easier to cover the information with a simple phone call. But that required several emails coordinating times and numbers. So I have finally decided to put everything I know all together in one thread. Hopefully anyone who wants the information will be able to find it and review it at anytime…sorry for the length and I hope you find the information beneficial. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryHelicopter Sectors


Becoming a US Army Helicopter Pilot

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By Tony Fonze - Becoming a US ARMYHelicopter Pilot, You are in the Army Now! Army pilots are, by definition, soldiers first, officers second, and then aviators. Consequently, applicants for the aviation program must first meet the requirements for acceptance into the military, acceptance into the Warrant Officer program, and finally, admission into the aviation training program. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryBecoming A Pilot categoryHelicopter Sectors


How To Become A Helicopter Pilot

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Are you searching for information on how to become a helicopter pilot? Search no more! We here at Justhelicopters.com have produced a comprehensive downloadable EBook titled “Everything you ever wanted to know about becoming a helicopter pilot”. This EBook is offered by TheHelicopterStore.com. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryBecoming A Pilot


Night Flight Concepts Takes Mystery Out of NVG's!

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INCLUDESVIDEOFEATURE! Article, Photos, and Video by Lyn Burks - If you are a current or former Military Pilot, odds are good that you have been exposed to Night Vision Goggle (NVG) operations. However, to their civilian trained counterparts, the concepts of NVG operations are both unfamiliar and somewhat mysterious. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles


12 things that every future career minded helicopter pilot should know.

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By Lyn Burks - A common question that gets asked from potential pilots here at Justhelicopters.com is, “What can I expect by becoming a helicopter pilot?” Along with the usual comments, “I hear the pay is bad”….”I hear that you must pay your dues”….”How fast can I expect to move up the chain?”……and so on. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development categoryBecoming A Pilot


Are Resumes Really All That Important

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By Lyn Burks - In the last article, I wrote in general terms about the hiring process and covered the high points regarding Resumes, Interviews, Testing, and Offer/Rejections. In this article and future articles, I would like to dive a little deeper into each area and share more specifics. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryCareer Development


How do I choose a helicopter flight school?

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By Randy Rowles - Like so many before , you ask “How do I choose the right flight school for me”. Well , that depends on several factors. We will attempt to guide you through the selection process and give a few pointers along the way. When beginning the selection process , you must first understand the terms used in describing flight schools and their level of certification. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryBecoming A Pilot

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