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Helicopter Flight Training Sponsors

Articles for category Regulatory


Into the Bright Night: NVGs Help Fight California Fires

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 For years it was said that night helicopter firefighting had great potential, if there was proper [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety categoryHelicopter Sectors categoryCareer Development categoryRegulatory


Leashing Drones Don’t Drone Me, Bro’

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 The proliferation of civilian drones and all the talk about them is sending shivers through the [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryRegulatory


My Two Cents Worth - May 2014-Issue - Randy Mains

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After reviewing the new FAA rules unveiled this past February, I can’t help thinking the agency [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety categoryRegulatory


My Two Cents Worth (November 2013 Issue) - Randy Mains

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It appears the Australians put a higher value on patient safety than our FAA, NTSB and even Congress. That’s a pretty strong statement, isn’t it? Let me tell you how I arrived at that conclusion. When my article “The Power of CRM” appeared in the August 2013 issue of Rotorcraft Pro my wife, Kaye, and I were in Australia, flown there by the Aeromedical Society of Australasia so that I could deliver two keynote speeches at their 25th scientific meeting of HEMS operators. My first keynote address was entitled “US Aeromedical Accidents – What can Australasian HEMS learn from our Mistakes?” On the second day I delivered a keynote address entitled “CRM in Aeromedical Operations - Why CRM/AMRM (Air Medical Resource Management) is Absolutely Vital to HEMS Safety.” [Read More...]

Categories: categoryTraining categorySafety categoryRegulatory categoryHuman Interest


Helicopter Emergency Medical Services And Weather Related Accidents

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Helicopter Emergency Medical Services And Weather Related Accidents by Bryan Butler Many organizations are looking at ways to help make the Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) safer. The FAA is working with FAR Part 135 Operators along with Organization such as HAI, CAAMS and AAMT to bring in voluntary solutions. One simple solution to help alleviate many of the night HEMS Controlled Flight Into Terrain (CFIT) accidents is by changing the night VFR visibility minimums for FAR Part 135 HEMS Operations. But what should they be changed to? To help determine that answer let us first look at the root cause of many of our fatal HEMS accidents since January 2000. [Read More...]

Categories: categorySafety categoryRegulatory categoryHelicopter Sectors


Aviation Specialties Unlimited : Night Vision - Business Vision

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Aviation Specialties Unlimited Night Vision – Business Vision Article, Photos & Video by Lyn Burks Helicopter flight training wearing Night Vision Goggles (NVG) is as exciting and interesting as any other new skill or technique that can be learned in a helicopter. It’s right up there with learning touchdown autorotations! The one and only buzzkill is that, as the name of the device suggests, you must be using them at night. It’s all fun and games --- until your flight-training block is from 0200 – 0400. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryCompany Profiles categoryTraining categorySafety categoryRegulatory


Helicopter Pilot Insurance Coverage Trends

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Helicopter Pilot Insurance Coverage Trends By Rick Lindsey Helicopter accidents can result in property damage, death or catastrophic injuries. When things go wrong, there is usually plenty of blame to go around. Read the headlines today and you’ll see that millions of dollars have been awarded in liability lawsuits. Helicopter pilots are trained, highly skilled, cautious and careful professionals who understand the importance of being proactive by double-checking all systems, safety checks, and other factors when piloting a helicopter. A pilot must be prepared to be thrust into a dangerous or unexpected situation at any moment and have the skills to react quickly. [Read More...]

Categories: categorySafety categoryRegulatory


TAKE ACTION - Pending Congressional Action Threatens Your Access to Airspace

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The President of HAI(Helicopter Association International), Matt Zuccaro, is calling on industry to take action on an aviation provision that has snuck its way into a highway funding bill (S.1813) currently being negotiated by members of the House of Representatives and Senate that threatens both access to airspace and air safety. [Read More...]

Categories: categoryRegulatory


REGULATIONS – Market Makers or Killers?

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When Rotorcraft Professional asked me to write a piece on how regulation influenced the simulator marketplace, I truly believed that it would be a relatively straightforward task. However, as I began to review the history, I found there was virtually nothing written until the 1960’s. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryRegulatory


How Technology Has Changed the World of Simulators

Posted by Admin

Advancements in technology and material make modern simulators more realistic and effective than ever. Regulating this new generation of synthetic training devices has also taken the first steps in keeping up with the changes. This article details some of the technology advancements in simulation and looks at the future of simulators as well. [Read More...]

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Categories: categoryTraining categoryRegulatory

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